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Chapter 23: MIA EB

At Night........

After the siblings returned from dinner, they headed upstairs to bed.

The siblings approached the door to the Ravenclaw Common Room

The door replied, "Answer me this......Voiceless it cries, Wingless flutters, Toothless bites, Mouthless mutters."

The students thought hard.

"Wind," stated Jennifer.

The door swung open. They entered the common room.

As Lucy entered her bedroom, she immediately realized someone was missing.

"Have you seen Ebony?" Lucy asked her siblings in the next room. She plopped down onto Kiera's bed after taking off her boots.

"No, I haven't seen her anywhere. She missed dinner," Kiera said as she laid out her books on her desk and slips off her shoes into a pair of slippers.

"One of us should go out and get her, just to make sure she's okay," Tristen responded as she looked up at the canopy of midnight blue curtains surrounding her bed.

"I agree. But who should do it?" Kiera asked as she sat on her bed next to Lucy.

"I think we should do it. Jen is probably asleep by now," Lucy answered as she slipped on her boots again.

Tristen nodded and the three made their way down the stairs into the common room. The three girls left the Ravenclaw Tower and made their way through the halls of Hogwarts, feeling for a small pulse that was Ebony.

"Lumos," Kiera replied, her wand lighting up.

Lucy casted the same spell with the same results.

Tristen casted the spell as well, and followed behind her sisters, keeping an eye out for danger.

Once they reached the library, the three decided to split up, searching in multiple areas for her.

"Have you found her yet?" Lucy asked as she peeked around a group of bookshelves.

"Nope. Keep looking. She should be here somewhere," Kiera replied a moment later.

As soon as Kiera finished her thought, she heard scampering footsteps. Not soon after, Pig came running to her, jumping on her, wanting to be picked up.

"I found Pig.  She must be closer to me than you. Come over here," Kiera said as she picked up Pig, resulting in being greeted by his kisses.

A moment later, Lucy and Tristen appeared.
Lucy dug through her pockets before pulling out a pouch filled with meat-like cubes. She held out the cube as Pig devoured the treat instantly.

The girls began walking quietly through the sections of books, keeping an eye out for copper hair.

Lucy turned a corner and found wavy copper hair sitting atop an opened book on a nearby desk. Upon further notice, she discovered it was Ebony. She was surrounded by  her textbooks and parchments in one pile indicating completion next to empty wrappers of candies and snacks. Her face was buried in the pages of the opened textbook. Ebony was breathing softly, seeming at peace, eyes closed, sound asleep. Pig barked at Ebony, but she didn't stir.

"Found EB. Over here! Now, we can FINALLY go back to bed," Lucy sighed, relief apparent in her voice.

"Well, that's good news. Glad the copper hair really stood out," Kiera commented as she appeared by Lucy's shoulder.

The three looked at each other before quietly giggling.

The girls had a short conversation about whether or not to teleport her back to the dormitory. After a short argument, the girls agreed to teleport her.

"She won't feel a thing. She's deeply asleep." Tristen replied.

Lucy began typing the coordinates of their dormitory into her vortex manipulator which was attached to her wrist while Kiera picked up Pig and a few of Ebony's textbooks. Tristen picked up the other books, along with the stack of parchment. Lucy touched Ebony with the arm carrying the vortex manipulator. The three nod to each other before Lucy slapped her wrist, and they disappeared in a flash of white light.

The girls appeared a moment later inside Lucy's dormitory. Lucy gently lay Ebony onto her bed and the other two placed her belongings on her desk. They disappeared again to double check to see if everything made the return trip from the library. Once the girls reappeared, they dressed into their nightclothes and kissed each other goodnight. Kiera and Tristen went into their room, climbing into bed and going to sleep. Lucy did the same.

Pig tried jumping up to snuggle with a sleeping Ebony, but laid on the floor beside the bed, giving up.

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