Return to Hogwarts

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Chapter 39: Return to Hogwarts:

The next day.....

Students caught the Hogwarts express to return to school. They all walk from the train station to the carriage pickup area. It lead to the school.

"I'm glad we're back," said Autumn.

"I kinda wish our vacation was longer because I was getting used to being at home again," stated Maddie.

"Think about Tobias. He stayed on campus," replied Ebony.

"Oh. I understand. EB cares about him, no wonder she worries about him too much. He's probably fine. Had a relaxing few days," said Kaitlyn, trying not to be jealous.

"I can't wait to try my guitar in music class. It's gonna sound much better," said Blake.

"You already sound great," replied Cass.

"Thank you, you're sweet," responded Blake.

"I'm excited to try my new broom," stated Maddie.

"How's practice with Cedric going?" asked Cass in a girly, nosy tone.

"It's...going good," Maddie answered, trying to not blush.

"It's so kind of him to help you," Blake pointed out.

Cass, Autumn, Kaitlyn, and Ebony giggled at Blake.

"What?" he asked.

He was oblivious that Maddie had feelings for him. If he knew, he'd be the protective brother they all knew.

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