Music class

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Chapter 15: Music Class:

"Maddie." Cedric noticed Maddie in the doorway right away.

Everyone in the classroom turned and noticed the two new students gathered at the front door. Maddie couldn't help but wave to everyone in politeness.

"Well don't be shy! Welcome!" announced Flitwick from the front of the room, "Step right in, take your seats."

The pair did as they were told.

Ebony was sitting at a stray seat next to a window just as a majority of the students had sat down.

"Welcome to music class! Now, I would like each and every one of you to stand up and introduce yourselves to the class. Yes, I know some of you already know each other, but for the newcomers, it would be best," he advised.

Nobody offered to go first.

"Must I do everything myself! Cedric. Please, go first," groaned Flitwick.

Cedric stood up. "Hello, I'm Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff third-year, pianist, tenor singer, and I've been composing music since I was 8."

Kaitlyn, Maddie and Autumn were astounded.

"Next!" announced the professor.

A young boy sitting next to Cedric stood up a moment later and talked a little about himself. Several more students followed after him.

Soon, it was Jennifer's turn to stand up.
"My name is Jennifer, but you can call me Jen. I am a Ravenclaw third year. I am a violinist, and sing in the soprano range. I have been singing since I was a fetus. Music is in my family's DNA."

"I'm Lucilla Beauvant, but you can call me Lucy. I am a Ravenclaw second year. I am a violinist and sing in the alto range. I can sing in many different languages and have been for around 13 years."

"I'm Kiera, Ravenclaw second year. I am a violinist, and sing in the soprano range. I love singing, and also love composing music, like Cedric. I was even a music teacher back home."

"I'm Tristen, but you can call me Tris. I am a Ravenclaw second year. I am a violinist, and sing in the alto range. I am a huge fan of music, and have been singing since I was a fetus."

"Hey. The name's Gabriel Beauvant. I am a Ravenclaw second year, and the drummer for this group. I love drums, and have since I was little. Can also play acoustic guitar. I even made my own drum set at home. I sing tenor or countertenor. Depends on the day, though." He winks at his siblings, who chuckle at their brother's antics.

"Hi, guys. I'm Samuel Beauvant, but you can call me Sam, or Sammy. I am a Ravenclaw second year, and the bassist for the group. I can feel the rhythm, embody it even. I have had this ability with the rhythm of the world since I was little. I also sing tenor." he high fives his brother before sitting down near his siblings.

Ebony slowly stood up, weakly waving at her classmates. "Ebony, but call me EB. First-year Ravenclaw. Harp player. I don't know what I sing. My brother thinks I'm good."

Maddie stood up realizing the order was going down the line of seated students. "Hi, my name is Madeline Carlyle but you can call me Maddie. I'm a Hufflepuff, first-year. I'm a Soprano singer and I play the flute. I won my school talent show three years in a row." She sat down as she saw Cedric smile at her.

"Hello, I'm Autumn Grindelwald and I play the cello. Oh! I'm a Gryffindor first-year. I don't sing a lot but my mother said I sound good in the shower," she stated happily as she sat down. Kaitlyn gave her a thumbs up and then stood up as well.

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