Halloween Day, Second class

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Chapter 27: Halloween Day: Second class

Lucy, Keira, Tristen, Sam, and Gabe head to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Ebony, Tobias, Aliya, Mary, and Jade are in Transfiguration turning Mice into Snuffboxes.

In Potions class, Kaitlyn and Autumn are with the trio as Snape teaches the class how to make a Forgetfulness Potion.

"Turn to page 71, please follow the procedures carefully." Snape called out from the front of the room.

Autumn looked at the page.....

2 drops of Lethe River Water
2 Valerian sprigs
2 measures of Standard Ingredient
4 mistletoe berries

1.) Add 2 drops of Lethe River water to your cauldron
2.) Gently heat for 20 seconds
3.) Add 2 Valerian sprigs to your cauldron
4.) Stir 3 times, clockwise
5.) Wave your wand
6.) Leave to brew and return in 45-60 minutes
7.) Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
8.) Add 4 mistletoe berries to the mortar
9.) Crush into a medium-fine powder using the pestle
10.) Add 2 pinches of the crushed mixture to your cauldron
11.) Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise
12.) Wave your wand to complete the potion

WARNING: It could be days, hours, weeks, even months. There's no telling how long it will last and how much memory the drinker, can forget.

How hard can it be? Autumn asked herself.

Apparently she was the only one to get the potion correct in that class besides Hermione.

Seamus managed to have the potion blow up in his face which made Kaitlyn furious since her lab station was directly in front of him.

Kaitlyn decided to taste-test hers to see if it was good by placing her finger inside and sucking the remaining liquid hanging on her finger. The thought didn't cross her mind that she would forget. Kaitlyn repeatedly tried the potion, forgetting each time that she did it previously. Autumn had to help her by stopping her from doing it again. Kaitlyn also forgot which classes she had due to taking the forgetful potions so many times.

Harry missed one step which ruined the whole process.

Neville almost perfected it if he didn't trip and spill the potion onto the ground.

Ron's wand wasn't working properly still so he also failed he lesson.


In Astronomy class, Maddie saw Caleb and decided to talk to him before class started.

"Good morning," she greeted politely.

"Morning," he replied playing with his quill.

Maddie was desperate to speak to him and get their friendship again before she could not revive it.

"Is something bothering you? Are you homesick? Bored? Can you talk to me?!" she asked, annoyed with the silence.

"It's nothing," he finally answered.

"Tell me more." she said sitting next to him.

She touched his arm. He pulled away.

"I just.....I'm....I'm failing Potions class." he answered, shocking Maddie.

"Why didn't you tell me, or ask me for help?"

"You're busy, with Cedric."

"I can fit you in my busy schedule." She chuckled a little. "I mean it. You can talk to me anytime. I'd be happy to help you out."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Let me see your notes, you can just point to the stuff you need help with."

"All of it?"

"Really. I'm sure you know something."

"No, Maddie. I don't."

"Fine. Take out your notes, and I'll quiz you."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Sure, it is. You need to study and it'll help."

"No, Maddie forget it."

"That's not the right attitude. How can you get better if you don't put in the effort."

"Forget it. I'm too far behind."

"If you post-pone it any longer, you'll definitely be too far behind. Let me help you."

"Thanks for the offer but I'm going to decline."

"I can't watch you fail."

"Well....I'm going to, whether you like it or not."

Maddie began annoyed. She reached into his bag.

"What are you doing? Stop. Don't touch it." He tried to stop Maddie from stealing his Potion  notes book but she had already taken it out.

"I'm sure you can study the lessons if you just look it over. Just once. Read it and I swear, some of it is bound to stick in your memory."

"No, it won't work."


"No, Maddie." He tried reaching it but Maddie moved so he couldn't grab it.

Her hands slipped and she dropped the book wide open onto the floor. Maddie bent down to grab the book as Caleb sighed deeply. He couldn't stop her from finding out the truth now. Maddie looked at the pages. They were blank. She flipped through several pages to find one with writing. There wasn't much.

"Caleb, these parchments don't have anything written on them. Only one of them. And it's from the first class session." Maddie stated as she looked at the first page.

Maddie was shocked in disbelief while Caleb felt guilty and embarrassed.

"You didn't pay any attention to his lessons, did you?" she finally asked.

He didn't respond.

"Not one?" Maddie asked.

He stayed silent. Maddie became frustrated just thinking about it.

"Is this why you didn't want help? All you had was one page of notes?" she continued.

He nodded.

"What did you do? All those lectures? Did you just sit there? Doodle? Space out? Sleep? What!?" Maddie was curious to know what he's been up to the past few months.

"I just....wasn't interested in learning this stuff," he sighed, not knowing what else to say.

"Caleb, you're never going to pass.....not without my help. Please, let me help you." Maddie touched his arm again, desperate to get to him. She looked into her eyes.

He was hesitant, but finally gave in. "Alright. But, if I can't learn the lessons by the exam day, I'm doomed," he stated.

"I'm not giving up on you, Caleb," she responded with determination.

Soon the professor came in.

"Alright class, turn to page 86. We are going to start learning about the planets." said Professor Aurora Sinistra.

"Meet me after class." Maddie whispered to him as they took their seats.

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