Christmas in London

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Chapter 38: Christmas in London:

"Wake up!" screamed a voice, waking Arlen up.

He opened his eyes to see Caleb.

"Happy Christmas!" Caleb shouted, hovering over his brother's head.

"Can you get down?" Arlen asked his brother who stood over his body.

"Oh, yeah."

Caleb jumped off the bed while Arlen sat up.

"Hurry! We're opening presents. Dad's home!" exclaimed Caleb with joy, running downstairs as fast as he could.

Arlen got out of bed and slowly walked downstairs. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.


The Carlyle family began opening gifts. Justin passes out his gifts to everyone first.
Maddie opened hers and was curious as to what it was.

"It's a sneakoscope. You can find out who's not being truthful," said Justin happily.

Maddie smiled, because the gesture of getting a gift was good enough for her.

Kaitlyn opened her gift and questioned Justin.

"What in the world is?" she asked, holding the cord up to Justin.

"Extendable ears. You put it on a door and can hear any conversation," explained Justin.

Kaitlyn got excited. "Really? Thanks Justin, I love it," she replied in awe.

Blake opened his gift; it was a crazy face flyer.

"Nice! Thanks, buddy," he responded, immediately playing with it.

Courtney and Alden gasped as it flew over their heads as it was close to hitting them.

"Ooops," said Blake apologetic.

He went to grab it and put it away until he got back to Hogwarts. "I'll use it when I play catch with Fred and George."

Alden opened his gift and was confused. It seemed normal. He didn't expect this.

"Robot Lilliput. It-" started Justin.

He was immediately interrupted by Alden. "Do I even want to know?"

"Probably not," answered Justin chuckling a bit.

Alden handed it to his son. "You can have it."

Alden rubbed the top of his head.

Courtney opened her gift and found it to be a Rubby O' Chicken.

"Yes! I love these. They are adorable. Watch!" She started the toy and it began to do the irish jig.

"Isn't it funny?!" asked Courtney to her family.

They all laughed. It was fun to watch a chicken dance the irish jig.

"You got gifts from the joke shop?" asked Alden curious as to who gave him the idea.

"Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?" Justin countered.

"Really cool," replied the father fake smiling.

He looked straight at Blake who was containing his giggles. He knew he was guilty.

Kaitlyn and Maddie passed out their gifts next. They watched as their father, mother, and two brothers open their gifts from them.

Blake opened his and found an envelope. He opened it to look inside and saw it had a small rectangle piece of paper.

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