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Chapter 6: Feast:

Once everyone is sorted, McGonagall raised her glass and clinked her utensil to it. All the students look toward her.

"Your attention please," she said before sitting down.

Headmaster Dumbledore stood, "Let the feast begin!" he said with a smile.

All of the sudden, food appeared in the center of each table. Everyone gasped when it appeared. They start digging in right away.

Slytherin Table:
Caleb sat with his brother, Arlen. They talked with Arlen's friends throughout dinner. Arlen spoke about a story that made him sound incredible.

"Over the summer, I traveled to Greece. My father and I camped in one of the forests where I encountered a chimaera with a head of a lion, a body of a goat and tail of a dragon. Since nobody was around except us, we used our wands to send the beast away. It didn't attack us again. He must of been scared. My father said that since I wasn't sent a letter about my actions, nobody witnessed us using magic."

Draco overheard Arlen's conversation with his friends.

"Hi! Draco Malfoy. First-year. And you are?" Draco asked Arlen, curious to know more about this man.

"Arlen Carrow. Third year. And this is my brother Caleb, first year. These are my friends Vincent and Sebastian." Arlen stated.

"Nice to meet you. By the way, these are my friends.....Crabbe and Goyle," announced Draco gesturing to the two boys next to him.

"Those are your names?"

"No. I just like I calling them, Crabbe and Goyle. Meet Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle." Draco spoke introducing his friends with the wave of his hand.

"Hi," greeted Arlen holding his hand up towards them.

Goyle waved with a smile. Crabbe stopped him then nodded.

"Okay..." said Arlen puzzled by his actions.

As the dinner continued, Draco focused his attention on Arlen. He asked Arlen personal questions about himself to get to know him better. Draco cracked jokes between the seven of them. Arlen and his friends laughed. They enjoyed Draco's company.

Draco finally said, "Hey, why don't you join me and my friends for lunch tomorrow? We'd really like to spend more time with you."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun!" Arlen said excited.

"Awesome." Draco commented, being happy with Arlen's response. "And afterwards, we can have some real fun....." Draco smiled.

"Sure." Arlen smiled to his boys. They nodded in agreement.

"Cool," said Draco, determined to impress them.

He talked to Crabbe and Goyle alone. "Arlen is awesome! If I do bad things like him, he'll see how special I am, and that I need to be a part of his group where we do crazy things like facing a chimera, every day," said Draco with a fierce heart.

His friends looked at each other in disbelief.
"But we're only first-years. We can't do much," said Crabbe.

"Will you shut up?!" ordered Draco, upset with his statement.

"Yeah, Crabbe. You don't know what you're talking about," said Goyle, following Draco's lead.

"You're right. I'm so stupid," said Crabbe pretending he had a moment of weakness.

Hufflepuff Table:
"So I noticed that the girl who was sorted after you had the same last name as you. Is she your sibling?" Cedric asked before taking a bite from a chicken leg.

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