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Chapter 17: Breakfast

The next day.....

Slytherin table:
Caleb approached Draco.

"Hi," said Caleb interrupting him and his friends.

"Hey. We're busy here," commented Draco, trying to ignore him.

"Yesterday, during lunch, what was it that you made us do?" Caleb asked.

Draco was shocked that he didn't remember. "You helped us and then we all ran away," he answered, causing his friends to laugh.

"What did you take? What was that creature and why won't you tell us?" Caleb asked.

"Creature? First of all, it's none of your business. Second, we didn't steal from a creature."

"We stole something? More like you did. You ran away with a hidden object."

"Like I said, I don't need to tell you, you did your part, now forget about it," replied Draco.

Caleb left in a huff. Draco and his friends snickered.


Ravenclaw Table:
Gabriel and Samuel were sitting with Kiera, Tristen and Lucy, engrossed in a deep conversation about classes and second-year activities when they hear the sound of a raven cawing. They turned around and waved Ebony over to sit near them.

"Hi," Ebony greeted, awkwardly waving to the Beauvants as Shadow flew off her shoulder and landed on a nearby ledge, keeping her eye out for scraps.

Jennifer looked up from her book and smiled at Ebony as she came to sit at their table. A few moments later, the younger siblings appeared and greeted their older siblings with smiles.

"Am I interrupting anything?" Ebony asked slowly.

"Of course not," Gabriel replied. "Come, sit down."

Ebony sat down next to Gabriel. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Gabriel replied. "What do you want to say?"

"What do you do when people make fun of you?" Ebony's voice trembled slightly.

"Well, I just let it wash off me like a raindrop off a turtle's back," Gabriel replied, looking at his older sisters as he spoke.

"How? I mean, I can hold my own in most of my classes, but it doesn't make any difference." Ebony threw a bread roll high in the hair, with Shadow flying up and snatching it quickly as she flew back to her ledge.

"We have been teased many times in the past due to our talents," Lucy began. "But we have learned to just accept it and let it go."

Kiera and Lucy turn to each other and began their secret handshake, causing them to giggle when they finished.

"And?" Ebony showed some impatience.

"We understand that being bullied is not fun, so we want to help you overcome this obstacle." Kiera replied calmly, causing Tristen and Lucy to nod in reply.

"You'd do that for a lost cause like me?" Ebony's evidently surprised.

"Of course, you are our friend. And that is what friends do for each other," Kiera retorted.

Ebony smiled. She's never made friends who treated her with this much kindness.


Hufflepuff table:
Maddie sat alone, unable to find her roommate, Kaitlyn, Autumn and Blake.

"Maybe I should meet some new people," she told herself.

Just then, a voice appeared. "Hey. Anyone sitting here?" he asked.

She turned her head to see Cedric.

"No, you are welcomed to join me," she said.

He sat beside her.

"Sorry I wasn't able to talk to you after Music class. Just to let you know, I think you're an amazing singer. Really, you got great vocal range."

"Thanks," she said, blushing. "It's fine if you couldn't. I was busy finding an audition song anyway."

It was a kind gesture to try to talk to her after music class.

"What did you pick?" He asked, curiously.

"I shouldn't say."

"I get it. Surprise everyone during your performance. Alright. How did your first day go?" he asked.

"It was interesting. Some of the teachers are nice, but Snape, he's-"

"Something else. I agree. The man is too serious and scary. He sees everything."

"And, for flying lessons....."

Cedric was intrigued about what she had to say about that class.

"I wasn't able to lift my broom from the ground. And then the whole fiasco with Neville happened," she continued, frazzled and upset with herself.

"Oh, yeah. I heard about that. Poor guy. Usually doesn't happen, but every once in awhile there's a rogue broom."


"Oh, yeah. Hasn't happened to me yet, but I've seen what they can do during a Quidditch match."

"You play Quidditch?"

"Yeah. Chaser for Hufflepuff."

Maddie got a brilliant idea. "Teach me."


"Teach me everything you know about flying."

"Is it THAT important to you?"

She nodded.

"Hmm." Cedric spoke surprised.

Gryffindor Table:
Tobias sat with Dean, Neville, Hermione, and Seamus. They did small-talk. Kaitlyn and Autumn finally showed up right before the bell chimed.

As it did, students began to head for their first classes of the day.

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