Valentine's day

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Chapter 40: Valentine's day:

Author's Narration:
"Time passed surprisingly quickly before Valentine's Day came. Everyone was worried about finding that 'special someone' to share the holiday with. To prove your love, one would tie a white ribbon on the one you love. The Beauvant siblings chose to not participate in this holiday, because they believed it to be a waste of time. Plus, they are busy with.....other things."

In the courtyard, Ebony studied her notes from Potions and History of Magic in between watching other students tie white ribbons on each other's wrists. She looked at them with a mix of happiness and envy. Pig rested beside her feet, looking as if he was keeping a lookout for anyone.

Going back to her notes once more, she was slightly startled when someone tapped on her shoulder.

"Busy?" Tobias asked, causing Pig to paw at his legs.

"I just finished," answered Ebony, relieved once she knew it was Tobias.

"Sorry for scaring you," he noted while petting Pig.

"It's fine. So, do you need my help?"

"Sort of." Tobias looked over his shoulder, then turned back to Ebony.

"What's wrong?" Ebony asked, bringing Pig into her arms.

"I've been trying to hide from some girls in my House," he answered, sitting down with her as he sighed heavily. "They all want to be the Valentine of the 'Wood heir.'"

"Why can't they be your brother's?"

"He's 'off the market.' So logically, I'm the next best thing," he answered, feeling his frustration bubbling.

"I'm sorry," Ebony replied calmly.

Before Tobias could respond back, Shadow flew in carrying a parcel and a letter. Following behind her was Apollo fluttering his small wings as he carried a letter. After a couple of seconds, Apollo began hopping with the letter in his beak.

"Your family?" Tobias asked as he waited for Apollo.

"Yeah." Ebony opened the parcel. Inside was a pouch of galleons and sickles. "I think my mother wants me to save this."

"I would," noted Tobias. "What does the letter say?"

"My brother sends his regards on 'Single Awareness Day' and wants to know if I've gotten injured in any of my classes," Ebony answered while scanning the letter, "and if I'm getting a hard time from anyone, because he won't wait until his first year to dish out to any punches to any...I'd rather not read that word."

"Sounds like a brother." Tobias smiled.

Apollo reached his owner at last.

"It's from...Kaitlyn." Tobias began reading, "'I think you're cute. Please find enclosed a white ribbon. Just because.'"

"Seems she's under some spell," Ebony replied blankly.

"I hope she gets out of it. I don't feel that way about her; I've told her already. She's my friend. I can't see myself seriously with a girl right now. I'm twelve for heaven's sake."

"So are you going to have Apollo deliver the letter back?"

"Mind if I use Shadow? Apollo may be a bit slow at returning, but he means well," Tobias countered.

Ebony snapped her fingers, to which Shadow landed on her shoulder. "Go ahead. Just tell her who to send it to clearly."

As Shadow delivered the message, Kaitlyn waited in excitement to hear Tobias's response.
Maddie and Autumn walked together toward the Great Hall and noticed Kaitlyn smiling as she watched Tobias.

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