Halloween Day, Fourth class

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Chapter 29: Halloween Day, Fourth class

In charms class, Ebony, Tobias, Aliya, Mary, Jade, Autumn, and Kaitlyn practiced Levitation spell.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?" asked Flitwick.

Everyone raised theirs.

"Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone," the Professor said.

"The swish and flick," repeating all the students while practicing the wrist movement.

"Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then," Flitwick replied with a smile. He walked around the room watching each student individually.

The whole class began to practice, nobody was able to perfect it in the first 30 minutes except Aliya, Mary and Jade but everyone is used to them being at the top of the class that they don't count them.

'Wingardium leviosa' is said by students, many times.

Ebony, Tobias, Kaitlyn and Autumn finally see Hermione make her feather float. The rest of the class stares in amazement as well. The Beauvant siblings applauded her, but they could do it with their eyes closed.

"Well done! See here everyone. Miss Granger has done it. Splendid. Well done, dear."

Seamus was the only one to try again as everyone else has lost interest.

"Wingardium leviosa. Wingar-" All of the sudden, Seamus's wand creates an explosion and destroyed his feather.

Flitwick was shocked and felt sorry for the boy.

Harry said looking wide-eyed at the feather, "I think we're going to need another feather over here, professor."


During Potions class, Maddie encouraged Caleb to pay attention and learn about the topic: Forgetfulness Potion. To Caleb's surprise, if he had the motivation to learn then he'd be able to concentrate, because Maddie would be out of his head.

The bell chimed to head to the next class.

Maddie and Caleb packed their things. "Want to walk to class together?" he asked.

"I actually need to use the restroom. I'll meet you there," she answered.

"Yeah. Sure," he replied.

She waved goodbye and left the room. Caleb knew what would happen in his next class. Maddie wouldn't have time to see him.


Maddie goes into the bathroom and sees a group of girls crowded around a stall. She saw Kaitlyn, Ebony, and Autumn.

"What are you doing? That is so rude, looking into a stall," she stated, outraged they would even think about doing such a thing.

"She's not going to the bathroom, she's been in there, crying. She won't talk to anyone and she won't come out," retorted Kaitlyn.

"I think it's Hermione. She took off in a hurry and she looked like she was tearing up earlier when she passed by me in the hallway. It was right after Charms class," responded Ebony, looking worried.

"I wonder what happened," said Autumn, curious.

"Please. Leave me alone. I don't want any of your help. I'd rather be on my own, right now," Hermione said from the stall.

Most of the girls began leaving before they could piss her off.

Some stayed because they actually had to go to the bathroom, like Maddie. Or they tried again. Anyway, Maddie waited patiently for an open stall. She could hear Hermione sob and sniffle. She wanted to help her, but Hermione made it very clear that she didn't want any.

After Maddie finished, she headed to Music class.

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