Classes Begin, Third Class

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Chapter 12: Classes Begin, Third class:

Maddie got there just in time. She stood next to an empty broom sitting on the ground.

"Good afternoon class," announced the Instructor.

"Good afternoon, Madam Hooch," responded the class.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step on left side of their broomstick. C'mon now. Hurry up!" she exclaimed as the students stood in two separate lines.

They quickly followed orders.

"Stick your right hand over the broom and say UP," ordered the instructor.

"Up!" everyone said at once.

Harry's broom leaped up off the ground and landed in his hand.

"Wow," gasped Harry with an ear-to-ear grin.

"Up!" said Draco, who gets it the second time he tried.

"Up!" said Jade, Aliya, and Mary apathetically. Their broomsticks come up during their third try.

"Up!" shouted Caleb and it comes off the ground into the palm of his hand.

"Up!" Ebony ordered for the sixth time, it reaching halfway to her hand before dropping.

"Up!" nearly screamed Kaitlyn on her tenth try.

Tobias's broom leaped into his hands on his tenth try as well.

"Up!" cried Crabbe and Goyle as their brooms leaped up on their twelfth try.

"Up!" yelled Dean who then received his broom on his fourteenth try.

The other students continuously say "Up", but failed. Some succeeded after many attempts.

"With feeling!" ordered Madam Hooch to the remaining students who haven't mastered it yet.

Little by little, the rest of the students were able to succeed including Neville, Autumn, Seamus, Pansy, Susan, Ron, Cassandra, Hermione, and Nadine.

Maddie was unable to grab her broom. She picked it up from the ground since everyone else had their broom in hand.

"Now! Once you got a hold of your broom, I want you to mount it and grip it tight. You don't want to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard. Keep your broom steady. Hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch down. On my whistle, 3.....2....." she announced as she blew her whistle.

Neville's broom started to come off the ground.

"Neville, what are you doing?" asked Autumn.

"Come back down!" shouted Kaitlyn.

"You're not suppose to do that," replied Maddie, annoyed and still upset with herself about being unsuccessful, taking her anger toward Neville.

Neville started to panic since it didn't go down.

"M-Mr. Long-Mr. Longbottom?!" shouted Madam Hooch.

The broom started to take off.

"No!" yelled Caleb.

"Neville!" said Maddie.

"Oh no," gasped Autumn.

"Don't go!" screamed Kaitlyn.

"Come back!" exclaimed Tobias.

"Oh dear, this could be a problem," Mayan whispered to Kiera and Tristen, who nod in reply.

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