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Chapter 8: Breakfast:

Students gathered in the Great Hall for breakfast. Various conversations swirl around the Great Hall as the students eat and make small talk with other students.

Caleb entered the Great Hall with Draco, who greeted his friends. They sat at the Slytherin Table.

Slytherin Table:
"My roommate sucks, he's a neat freak," complained Crabbe.

"Well at least yours is neat, mine is messy and I think he's a hoarder because he brought SO MUCH stuff," complained Goyle.

"Well, I like mine," commented Draco.

"Oh really? Who is this guy?" asked Crabbe, upset.

"Yeah. Who can be good enough for you?" inquired Goyle.

Draco looked at Caleb. The boys understood.

"Well, that's cool. I wished I dormed with someone I knew, like Crabbe," said Goyle.

"Couldn't agree more. Should we throw our roommates together and we'll share a room?" asked Crabbe.

"Now, you're talking..." Goyle high-fived him.

"Let's get my room, because it's not filled with a TON of stuff and it has more floor space," said Crabbe.

"Nice," replied Goyle.


Hufflepuff Table:
Maddie sat alone. She spotted Autumn and Kaitlyn. She decided to eat with them at the Gryffindor Table.

"Hey, how's your roommate?" asked Kaitlyn.

"Her name is Susan Bones. She's shy, but very friendly. Yours?" asked Maddie.

"Her name is Cassandra Hawthorne, I call her Cass," said Kaitlyn.

"Mine is Nadine Warbeck, she's sweet but I have a feeling I don't know everything about her," commented Autumn.

"Well we can't know anything about them right away," noted Maddie.

"That is true," responded Autumn.


Ravenclaw Table:
All of the Beauvants have gathered into a large group. Tristen and Jennifer spoke to one another in Gallifreyan about the letter they received the other night while Keira reminded the younger siblings to behave on their first day and to check their belongings to be sure they had everything they needed. The younger siblings groaned, causing the older siblings to laugh.

Ebony, seated with Gabriel and Sam, was too engrossed with her History of Magic textbook to comprehend the Beauvant conversations. What seemed to pull her away from her textbook was Pig, who was located under the table, pawing at her legs for scraps. After finishing a chapter, Ebony put her plate down. In several seconds, Pig had devoured Ebony's leftover breakfast.

"Hey, Ebony," Gabriel said, tapping Ebony on the shoulder. "How are you going to take your dog with you?"

Ebony set her book down before turning to answer Gabriel.

"I put a sleeping charm in my leftovers. It won't hurt him," Ebony chimed in.

She looked under the table to find Pig lying down, close to sleep.

"Brilliant. How'd you do that?" Sam piped in as he had been eavesdropping.

"I'm good with Charms," Ebony answered.

A sound of a bell chimed.

"It's time for class," announced Ebony to the siblings.

The siblings kissed each other goodbye before scattering like cockroaches when introduced to light.

Everyone in the Great Hall departed to attend their first class.

Maddie hugged her sister and wished her a good first day. As Kaitlyn started walking away with Autumn, Maddie felt like left out, alone. She headed to Charms class hoping to get through the day without breaking down in tears.

Lucy, Kiera and Tristen climbed up the staircase and disappeared into the crowds of students while Jennifer melted into the crowd as she found her other third years. The three youngest head up the staircase to their first class: History of Magic. Lucy, Keira, and Tristen headed to Astronomy class while Gabriel and Sam headed to Potions class.

Everyone moved around the school at different paces to make it to their classes on time. Each student knew where to go and didn't hesitate to wait around cause the swarm of crowds could trample them. Students roamed around in different directions like cattle.

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