Quidditch Match

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Chapter 34: Quidditch Match

A song played in the background as the players warmed up for the game. Red Balloon by Charli XCX

Excitement was in the air. The stands were filled to a capacity as cheers and victory shouts were heard all around. Lee Jordan was an enthusiastic announcer that day.

Neville stood alone in the crowd. "Where's Fred and George?" asked Autumn as she approached him.

"Fred and George are on the Gryffindor team. They are playing now," said Neville.

Autumn had a moment of realization. "Oh!" She had almost forgot.

"Along with my brother!" shouted Kaitlyn with happiness.

Kaitlyn couldn't wait to join him. Autumn and Kaitlyn sat next to Neville. Seamus and Dean joined soon after with Hermione and Ron close behind.

Maddie and Cedric, both were eager to watch the game from Gryffindor side of the stands.

"Are you sure, we're allowed on this side?" asked Maddie with a nervous tone.

"Yes. Don't worry! We're fine. As long as we got spirit," answered Cedric with excitement.

A player got too close to the crowd. People gasped and ducked. The player rode away.

"Wow. This game looks.....dangerous," commented Maddie.

"A lot of the players get in hospital, even for months," Cedric replied with excitement.

Maddie has a worried look upon her face. She didn't think this whole thing through.

Neville spotted Maddie and waved wildly towards her in excitement. Maddie saw him and pulled Cedric to join them. Neville hugged Maddie once she came over.

"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season. Today's game Slytherin vs Gryffindor!" announced Jordan Lee.

Gryffindor and Slytherin cheered with excitement. Both wore their house colors in support of their teams.

The Beauvant siblings were sitting in the Gryffindor side of the stands, whispering and laughing. Even though their house wasn't playing that day, they were still there to support with the other Gryffindor students. Ebony shyly attended the game, looking like a fish out of water. Lucy motioned her to join her family.

"EB, when attending games like this, It's better to come with a group rather than by yourself," Lucy said once she joined them.

"I decided to come a few minutes ago," she noted. "Plus, my tutor said we'd meet up after the game. I wanted him to be able to see me...here, so he wouldn't search...not that he would... never mind." Ebony  sat down, a notepad and quill in her hand.

"That's alright, Ebony," Jennifer said with a smile. "I'm glad you could join us."

"Go! Fight! Fight! Go! Fight!" shouted the crowd.

"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game!" shouted the announcer.

"Now I want a nice clean game. From all of you," she said as she kicked the box causing it open, releasing the Bludgers and Snitch.

"The bludgers are up. Followed by the golden snitch. Remember the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the snitch, ends the game," replied Lee Jordan.

Madam Hooch reached down to grab the Quaffle, and tossed it up.

Author's Narration:
"In case you get confused,
Gryffindor Team
Blake Carlyle~chaser
Katie Bell~Chaser
Angelina Johnson~Chaser
Fred Weasley~Beater
George Weasley~Beater
Harry Potter~Seeker
Oliver Wood~Keeper and Captain

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