Classes Begin, First Class

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Chapter 9: Classes Begin, First Class:

Author's Narration:
"Here's a list of first day classes, second day consists of other classes.......
Kaitlyn: Transfiguration, Potions, Flying lessons, Charms, Music Class
Autumn:Transfiguration, Potions, Flying lessons, Charms, Music Class
Maddie: Charms, Astronomy, Flying lessons, Potions, Music Class
Caleb: History of Magic, Astronomy, Flying lessons, Potions, Music Class
Ebony: History of Magic, Transfiguration, Flying lessons, Charms, Music Class
Tobias: History of Magic, Transfiguration, Flying lessons, Charms
Jennifer: Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic, DADA, Music Class
Cedric: Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration, DADA, Music Class
Aliya/Mary/Jade: History of Magic, Transfiguration, Flying Lessons, Charms
Lucy/Kiera/Tristen: Astronomy, DADA, Transfiguration, Free period, Music Class
Gabriel: Potions, DADA, Transfiguration, Free period, Music Class
Samuel: Potions, DADA, Transfiguration, Free period, Music Class
Arlen: Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, DADA
Blake: History of Magic, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, DADA, Music Class
Neville: Transfiguration, Potions, Flying lessons, Charms, Music Class
Cass: Transfiguration, Potions, Flying lessons, Charms
Nadine: Transfiguration, Potions, Flying lessons, Charms, Music Class
Seamus/ Dean/  Draco/ Crabbe/ Goyle/ Harry/ Hermione/ Ron: Transfiguration, Potions, Flying lessons, Charms.
Follow if you get confused."

In the History of Magic class, the three first-year Beauvant siblings reached the classroom and they slipped inside, immediately chose their seats while Ebony walked in back of a group of students heading toward the same classroom. She quickly lost her grip on her books, which fell to the ground. She groaned in frustration as she gathered the books quickly, in no specific order as a handful of students snickered. Footsteps were heard as she noticed someone helping her from the corner of her eye.

"Here, let me help you," a boy replied as he helped her to her feet.

Ebony took his hand, finally looking up to see the boy who helped her. Once looking at him, she's lost for words, as if mystified.

"Are you okay, miss?" the boy asked with a smile. There was a faint sparkle in his deep brown eyes.

Ebony nodded, clutching her books to her chest. She stood aside to let him in the classroom, thinking she was blocking him.

"No you go ahead, miss." he said, gesturing to the door.

"Okay..." Ebony replied, entering the classroom.

"So she finally talks," the boy said to himself as he followed her inside.

He tapped her on the shoulder and held out his hand. "The name is Tobias. Tobias Wood."

Ebony took his hand nervously. "EB."

Tobias was pleasantly surprised that she didn't mention his brother, the famous Oliver Wood. "The pleasure is mine, EB."

Ebony proceeded in blushing, but tried hiding it behind her hair. Tobias noticed, but held his tongue.

Ebony soon took a seat in the back, pulled her textbook out along with parchment, an inkwell, and a quill. Tobias took a seat at the desk next to her, and pulled out his parchment and book. His inkwell and quill soon followed. Ebony was surprised that Tobias was sitting with her; there were still other desks which had yet to be claimed.

She noticed the three first-year siblings sitting with each other in the middle of the classroom. It was Jade, Aliya, and Mary. She could tell from Lucy's picture of her family.

A boy sat next to Tobias. "Hey," greeted the boy.

Ebony thought the boy was talking to her, and looked to see who the boy was out of the corner of her eye.

"Hey," Tobias greeted back to the boy.

They didn't say much. Ebony could tell they weren't super close, but they were familiar with each other. OR perhaps they were the kind of boys that didn't like to talk much. Even though she just met Tobias, Ebony got the feeling it wasn't the second option.

Author's Narration:
"It's Caleb Carrow. They rarely speak to each other because Arlen and Tobias are the ones who are friends. Caleb is usually the third wheel."

Soon, Professor Kathy Reinhart entered, prepared to teach the class.


In Transfiguration class, Kaitlyn and Autumn decided to sit together. McGonagall had turned herself into a cat while they were writing notes.

All of the sudden, the door bursted open. Ron and Harry arrived late.

"Woo! Made it. Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron asked, somewhat out of breath.

McGonagall lept from the table and became a human again.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron exclaimed.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure you and Mr. Potter into a pocket watch. That way one of you might be on-time!" McGonagall explained with a slight edge. 

"We got lost," said Harry, apologetic.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats," finished McGonagall.

They sat down and the class continued to practice writing the alphabet.

The room fell silent for the rest of the class period as the students practiced.

(AN: Follow the link to see the alphabet, you can practice too!

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