Halloween Day, Third class

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Chapter 28:Halloween Day, Third class

First year students head to the training grounds on the lawn by the Forbidden Forest where Flying lessons are held. While Lucy, Keira, Tristen, Sam, and Gabe are in Transfiguration class.

"The way to control your speed on a broom is with the right distribution of weight. You don't want to put too much weight on one side because you might fall off. If you lean too far back, you'll fly too slow and in Quidditch, you have to be quick, fast and able to avoid obstacles, including people in the stands. As part of the lesson today, you'll weave around in an obstacle course and try to be faster than the opposing student." said Madam Hooch.

Everyone partnered up in pairs of two. Harry dropped the class due to being able to join the team. Neville was still slightly injured so he had to take it easy. Maddie was with Autumn, Caleb was with Draco, Seamus was with Dean, Nadine was with Cass, Ebony with Mary, and Aliya was with Jade. Kaitlyn was paired with Tobias, against his will as Kaitlyn had volunteered immediately to fly with him.

"You'll be going against each other. You do know that?" asked Maddie to Kaitlyn.

"As long as we're together. I'm good with anything." Kaitlyn smiled as she held onto Tobias's arm.

He kept trying to pry her off.
People started to laugh, causing Tobias much embarrassment. Autumn pulled her off him finally.

"I'll be with Kaitlyn," said Autumn, "and Maddie will be with you," Autumn finished while facing Tobias.

He felt better instantly.

The obstacle course was filled with rings, robotic people popping up in the stands,

The students would start where usually the Quidditch players entered the stadium, followed by the students going around the towers, surrounding the stadium. Leading up to the students dodging cardboard people who emerged from the crowds. And finally end at landing at the center of the field.

During the race, it was fierce competition for most students like Autumn and Kaitlyn who were neck-and-neck as well as Caleb and Draco but Kaitlyn and Caleb managed to take the lead by the end. For some, it was easier to finish rather than their partner like Tobias was the first one to touch down while Maddie was still halfway through the course. Nadine, Cass and Ebony ran into the cardboard people as they popped out of their seats from the crowd. It was every so often but, they were docked off points. Nadine and Cass tied but they were the slower two. For Mary, Jade, and Aliya, they managed to do tricks in the air as they went through the course. Their fellow students were impressed.

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