Ch. 44: The Illusion

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**BO'S POV**

I woke up in the infirmary, which in itself was a surprise for me, I thought I was dead for sure.

"See... she's awake now." Rae said solemnly.

I looked around, Chris and Oz were both on either side of me, holding my hands as tears caked their face.

"What's... what's up guys?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me with pained and confused looks on their faces. Rae was crying, and I didn't know why.

"Tough crowd." I said lightheartedly. "At least I'm alive, huh?"

"Bo..." Chris said, her eyes flickering down to my chest. I momentarily looked at her, noticing a bruise on the side of her face and arm.

Oh yeah...

I started recalling what had happened before I blacked out. What had happened with Dreamer. I had almost forgotten that I got completely skewered by them, it was weird that I wasn't feeling any pain.

"Hows my wound doing...?" I asked, reaching up to touch it.

I felt something cold and hard.

I froze. "What the hell..." I said, looking down to where my wound should be.

I looked down to see my chest was completely cut open, it was like having an out of body experience, it was the strangest thing. It's like it wasn't even my body. I couldn't feel anything.

All you could see inside me, instead of blood and regular human internal organs, was wires and metal.

My insides looked like a goddamn auto body shop, there was nothing but mechanics and wiring inside of me.

My eyes widened in horror. "What... what the fuck?!" I shouted.

**OZ'S POV**

I watched as Bo saw herself, the expression on her face turning to confusion and horror.

You could see it in her eyes, she wanted to jump out of her own body right then and there. I've never seen fear so clear in Bo's eyes, to think it was caused by her own self.

"Now that... Bo's awake, I think I should explain." Rae said, sadness thick in his voice. "Bo... I'm so sorry that you had to find out this way."

Everyone including Bo looked up at him, wanting answers.

"Ivan... The person who created Air's sword... I knew him. He was a friend of my dad's and I occasionally worked as his assistant as a kid. This was when I was very young, back when I lived in Russia. Ivan was an exorcist mage. He liked to make a lot of things. He made exorcist weapons and potions for exorcists to use. He also worked with mechanics quite a bit. I remember vividly something that always peaked Ivan's interest was the thought of artificial life. He wasn't into dead people or anything like that, but robots, cyborgs, and AI's that acted like real people was something he was always interested in.

"One day he asked me to help construct an AI. It wasn't really an AI but it's what we were going for. We wanted to make it as human as possible but to also be used a defense mechanism. He wanted to create a new weapon to use against demons, Artificial Exorcists is what he called them. We had big plans for it, it would be powerful and dangerous, but sentimental. It would feel the same things humans feel and would think the same way humans think, but could also detect and destroy demons by turning it's limbs into a variety of armory like swords and guns and any weapon you could think possible. Making it was a really complicated process, from the arms and legs to the brain and heart, Ivan had to use a lot of mechanics and a lot of spells and magic on it. I don't know what exactly he did because I was just a kid back then, I didn't pay much attention to the technical side of things.

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