Ch. 16: Not Quite A Confession

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~SONG: I LIKE YOU, I LOVE YOU - SUNG BY RIN KAGAMINE~ (the cutest song ever omgeh)

I awoke in the infirmary room, bandages completely wrapped around my torso.

I looked down and touched the bandages, then a hand gently grabbed my wrist. I looked up to see Suzuki's hand.

"Please dont fiddle with your bandages." She said quietly. "Can you speak?"

"Suzuki...?" I said. As I spoke I heard the room stir.

Paku was completely healed of her stings, Konekomaru had his arm in a cast but avoided my glance, Shima and Bon only had a couple band-aids on them, Izumo with only a few scratches and same goes for Shiemi.

"Could everyone please leave? We need quiet for right now." Suzuki said.

"We're so gonna talk about this later." Bon said as he left with everyone else.

Suzuki turned to me. "I used some of my healing magic to help them out a bit, also with the help of Shiemi. I only used a little bit on you though, just to take the pain away, because I mean you're a demon and so everythings gonna fully heal in a couple hours for you."

"Oh..." I said. "Where's... Rin?"

Suzuki smiled at my concern. "He's right next to you."

I looked over to my right to see Rin in a bed next to mine, still unconscious. "Did you heal him too?" I asked.

"There's nothing to heal." Suzuki said. "Besides the bruises he's alright. Just a little faint from over exhausting his powers. He should wake up in an hour or so."

I nodded, still uneasy.

Suzuki smiled and brushed my bangs out of my eyes. "He's okay, Air. There's no need to be concerned."

"Okay." I said quietly.

Suzuki headed out but when she got to the doorway she turned and said, "I'm sure Rin feels lucky to have someone who cares so much for him." And then left.

My face flushed red.

I was just curious is all...

Then Izumo walked in, her eyes slightly red which looked like she had been crying. She stood at my bedside and I looked up at her.

"You..." Her voice trembled. "You took that hit for me... wh-why?"

"Why not?"

"But... you got hurt!" She said, looking down at my abdomen. "I dont get it!" Tears were starting to trail down over her cheeks. "I can't imagine someone getting hurt that bad just for my sake! That was reckless Yagami! Why did you do it?!"

"Oh this?" I said patting my stomach. "I mean it did hurt pretty bad, but I'm not gonna die from it. But if this happened to you, you could have died. I dont want to let someone die on my watch, its part of the reason why I wanted to be an exorcist. I'm glad I took the chance to keep someone from getting hurt."

Her eyes widened. "But why for me?!" She cried. "I thought you hated me..."

"Izumo... there's two words that I never use lightly. And that's love and hate. Those are two words that I dont just go throwing around and acting like I mean it. I dont know about you, but hate is a strong word and if I use it then it has a much deeper meaning for me. I barely know you, Izumo. I may have disliked you but I never hated you. I would never let you die like that. You have a life to live, your whole future ahead of you. I wasn't going to let a good future for someone go to waste."

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