Ch. 10: Asami's Safe

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I stretched and yawned the next morning, I propped myself up on my elbows to see Rin's arms still wrapped around my waist, him sleeping soundly but snoring loudly.

"Hell yeah I woke up first," I murmured to myself, rubbing my eyes. I gently slipped out of Rin's arms and padded across the room to where Nay-Lee slept.

"Nay-Lee," I said quietly, trying to wake her up. "Nay-Lee. Wake up."

I shook her but she was still asleep. "Christ,"

"Nay-Leeee," I said putting my hand under her jaw and shaking her head. "Wake up, Nay-Leee." she wouldn't.

"You leave me no choice." I said with a sigh. I raised up my hand and karate chopped her in the boob where it hurt most.

Her eyes shot open, her face contorted in agony and she grabbed her boob in pain. she instantly flipped over and stuffed her face into her pillow. "mmmm!!!" she said with a restrained inward scream. Then she flipped back over on her back, "I guess my future kids are officially not going to get breast fed thanks to a certain someone!" she hissed.

"Drive me to our house." I commanded.

Nay-Lee sighed. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth." she said getting up.

I followed her to the bathroom downstairs. "If you dont want to you dont have to," I said brushing my teeth in the sink next to hers. "I can drive myself."

Nay-Lee gave me a shocked look. "You dont have a license!" She said through a mouth full of toothpaste and sighed. "Fine, fine, I'll drive."

"Good." I said, spitting out the toothpaste.

"But!" Nay-Lee said after spitting out her toothpaste and reaching for a towel to wipe her mouth.

I sighed. "But...?"

"But," Nay-Lee repeated, putting up a finger. "I'll only drive you if you do one thing."

"And... what exactly is it...?"

Nay-Lee paused then jumped towards me. "Hai! Onee-chan!" She squealed in a highpitched kiddish voice.

"No," I said dumbfoundedly stumbling backwards. "No way, no fucking way..."

"Awe come on! Say it! You used to do it all the time!" Nay-Lee pleaded.

"I-I-I'm not a kid anymore!" I said shocked. I'd never think Nay-Lee would ever ask something so mortifying of me.

"What're you talking about? Of course you are!"

"N-no I-I'm not!"

"Excuse me," We heard someone say. Yukio walked into the bathroom, pushing up his glasses, with Rin appearing behind him. "But me and Rin couldn't help but over hear your conversation, and we would also like to see such embarrassing kiddishness from Air."

"See Air, they wanna see too!" Nay-Lee said.

"Absolutely not."

"Come on Air, just do it." Rin said grabbing me by the shoulders with a lecherous grin. And here I thought I was the pervert.

"As if!" I said stepping back.

Nay-Lee crossed her arms. "If you dont do it then I won't drive you." she said stubbornly.

I sighed. "H-hai... O-onee-san..." I said colorlessly.

Nay-Lee stomped her foot. "No!" She said. "I'm not an old lady Air, its chan, Onee-chan. You have to do it like you mean it, just once! Now try again."

I sighed again. This isn't gonna go anywhere if I keep stalling. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then I opened them to see Nay-Lee, Yukio, and Rin watching intently.

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