Ch. 1: Our Beginning

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As we begun the tributes during the funeral, I sat at the piano and thought about what I would say when I went up there. I didnt want it to be typical. The usual old 'he was a good man blah blah blah'. I wanted it to be honest. To be thoughtful but not sappy. I needed it to make sense.

I watched as Rin went up and talked about Fujimoto. If I'm honest it almost brought tears to my eyes. Not because it was that sad, but because it was the most horrid tribute ever. He stuttered and stumbled with his words and he began with saying "Um... he was a good man." I could feel my eyebrow twitching the entire time, a result of me trying to refrain from throwing this piano at him and giving him speech lessons.

I knew exactly who Rin was and I knew exactly what happened the night Shiro died.

I remember what he told me the day that Rin's sword had unsealed itself. 'Air, you and Rin are gonna need each other more than ever. Mephisto will tell you when the time has come.'

Now I already know when that time is. Right after the funeral. But at the moment I'm starting to reconsider it, for fear of me listening to him stutter once more and killing him on the spot. I have no idea how the old man could ever compare me with this guy. I'm not saying I'm academically gifted, I'm far from that, but to compare me with this guy ... well this is just insulting.

But in a sense, I never thought I would meet someone who was just like me. Maybe he could help me find out about my mom.

Yukio had showed up just as Rin was finishing up. Late to your dad's funeral eh, Yukio?

After a couple people went and Asami finished it was my turn to go up there. I didnt need time to think about what I was going to say anymore, I knew what I was going to say.

I cleared my throat and rested my hands on the edges of the podium.
"Disclamier; my content contains high levels of thoughtlessness and lack of compassion, so if you want to get teared up by my 'oh so heart wrenching words of sorrow' well... I dont know what to tell you, lower your expectations next time. Or... well let's hope there's not a next time..." I said into the microphone. The crowd laughed softly. This is good, its good to loosen them up some.

"Now, since I found out that the old man died, I went into the state of mind where I just wanted to know more about death and all the technical terms and such. I wanted know the general reaction of most people when a loved one dies. Is that a little morbid? Well... yeah, you bet your ass its more than a little morbid." The crowd laughed again. I'm glad they didnt mind that I cursed in a church. I wanted to cringe at my own jokes but I figured old people have a strange sense of humor.

Now, continuing on...

"Here's what I've gathered so far; A family is like a body. When a family loses a loved one its as if they have lost one of their limbs. There is an anxiety commonly felt about death in our culture. It is the result of a scientific schema that says 'If I dont see it, it's not there.' That's not true now is it? The truth is that those we love are never truly gone. Though the body may have run its course, the soul lives forever. But as human beings, being as hard to please as we are, we want the immortal soul of that person materialized. We want to be able to touch and feel the warmth of that person. And because of this specific common anxiety, we can't help that we're not satisfied with the thought of our loved ones souls still being alive as they always were. But the fact that we know that is really all we need. But its better than nothing. That old fart is probably sitting right next to Rin right now, laughing while all of you cry, commentating on your sappy tributes—" I purposely let a single tear run down the left side of my face to pull at their heart strings.

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