Ch. 35: Haruki's First Smile

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~SONG: BEAUTIFUL GROUND BY NANO~ (it's been a while since I last added a song to a chapter lel)


And thats when I noticed a huge fourteen wheeler speeding down the street.

My eyes widened as they flickered from the truck to Haru... the directions aligned perfectly.

"Hey—!" Bo said.

"Air? Whats wrong?" Rin asked me, who hadnt turned around to see what I was looking at.

Three seconds, in three seconds that truck is going to hit Haru.


I screamed at the top of my lungs;


He turned to look over and thats when he saw the truck come his way, his eyes widened and he completely stopped walking.

Fuck, what is he doing?!


When Air's eyes widened in horror, I turned to see to my own shock a humoungous fourteen wheeler truck headed straight for Haruki.

Oh no... she's gonna try

"HARU!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and shoved me away from her, making me fall.

"No! Air!" I cried, failing to grab her.

No... she's gonna...

Then, in a split second, she lunged for Haru, then after that it was hard to tell what happened. I dont know what I saw. It seemed like the exact second that she lunged for him, the head fourteen wheeler came.

My heart was pounding in fear as I waited for body of the truck to pass so I could see what had happened, and it seemed like forever.

Once the the truck passed through, I let out a sigh of relief when I saw both Air and Haru on the ground on the other side of the road.

I hadnt expected her to do that, I thought she was just gonna push him out of the way and take the truck on herself... it seems like something she'd pull.

But it looks like she jumped out of the way and brought Haru with her, telling by the way she seems to have landed on her back as she had her arms around Haru who landed on top of her.

Me and Bo ran across the street. "Air, Haruki! Are you okay?!" I asked as I got to them.

Haruki stayed still, his red eyes still wide in shock.

"Heavier than you look..." Air mumbled. She got out from under him with a grunt. "Now..."

Haruki didnt respond, he still had the same expression on his face.

"SNAP OUT OF IT YOU DAMN FOOL!" Air angrily shouted at him, snapping her fingers.

Haruki was extremely surprise by her tone of voice and looked at her. And frankly, we were all surprised that she actually yelled at him.


Everyone raised their eyebrows in surprise. Air had never yelled at Haruki before, usually she would baby him whenever he was around. Haruki was clearly taken aback, as he had never been scolded by Air before.

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