White Exorcist

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 **RIN'S POV**

I walked into the service in my black tux and scanned the whole church. No Yukio. Typical. No, scratch that, not typical at all. The little bastard didnt even show up to Dad's funeral. What's so great about True Cross that he has to miss the old fart's funeral just to do whatever the fuck he does over there?

One of the guys from the monastery lead me to a seat in the front row. I looked around to see who attended. A bunch of the guys from the church, most of Dad's clients, ... I know that doesnt sound like a lot but trust me, it is.

Though I dont get why his clients should be bothered to be invited. But who knows maybe Dad was that big of an impact on the people he exorcises.

I thought of how he died that night, how he killed himself just to save me. It was my fault. All my fault. I took out the phone he gave me with only one contact in it. I'd call as soon as the funeral was over.

Then a strange looking girl who i didnt recognize came rushing in, she had really light eyes, which I think were white... or maybe grey? and she had really long, straight, stark black hair, she also had abnormally sharp teeth and strange tattoos on her wrists.

"My apologies for being late..." she murmured.

She was headed towards the platform at the front of the room that had the big piano and the microphones. An older woman marched right in front of her, stopping her in her track, and bonked her on the head.

"Ow!" the girl said "What was that for!"

"What else?! You're late!" The woman said.

"Geez, I already said sorry you old hag!" The girl said rubbing her head where the lady hit her, she walked around the lady and onto the platform and sat herself down at the piano, her hands rested on the keys without playing anything yet.

I heard a bunch of gossiping moms whispering about her:

"Isn't that the girl who almost set fire to the restaurant where she worked part time?"

"I heard she made a girl go into a coma once just with one blow!"

"I dont know how Asami and Nay-Lee can stand living with her!"

I looked over at the girl and she was watching the women intently the entire time as they talked about her. Her face showed no expression, no sadness, no anger, no embarressment. Nothing. Even though her face had a lack of reaction, her gaze was piercing.

The women kept whispering.

"Is she going to be playing the piano?"

"Yes, per Fujimoto's request in his will."

Request in his will? What the hell? He well does she know him? I've never seen her in my life!

One of the women laughed,

"You'd think how well he knew her he would've exorcised her and she wouldn't still be a ferocious demon!" The other women laughed at that.

"I guess not even Fujimoto could take the monster out of her!"

"Haha I bet shes gonna somehow manage to make the piano sound like cat scratches!"

"What's with the symbols on her wrists, what does it mean?"

I looked at her wrists and the symbol that was tattooed in black to each wrist. I recognized the symbol of when I saw it the night Dad died. When we were fighting the demons, he drew the complicated-looking symbol on the floor in sand and all that and so did the other guys.

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