Ch. 11: Family

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As I stepped into South Side I got an eerie feeling just like Nay-Lee said. The town was run-down and it felt as though everything was in black and white.

I spotted the the minimarket that Asami was talking about and stepped into the only alley way to the right of it. I noticed a green door near a dumpster. Scratched on the door in big letters was BLANCA. I took a deep breath and stepped in. I was blind here. I didnt know what to expect or what to do or who to ask for. All the letter said was to come here.

This place looked more like a bar than a cafe. The only thing that was cafe about it was the tables and chairs. The place wasn't too full nor too empty. I noticed a boy with snow white hair and bright red eyes serving the customers coffee and beer and such, acting as waiter. I honestly didnt know if he was a waiter or not, he looked a bit too young to be working, younger than me. There was also another guy waitering but he was much taller than the boy and looked a bit older than me. He looked like the smaller boy but his hair was sort of a dull red and he had greyish green eyes.

Suddenly I heard a glass break. I instantly looked over to where the bartender was. He stared at me with a shocked expression then frantically headed towards a door that lead to a back room, then he stopped and turned towards the broken glass. He looked back and forth between the door and the glass as if he didnt know which to go to first. He glanced at me once more then got a hand broom and swept up the glass and threw it away. He kept on looking in my direction with an alarmed expression then ran into the room, I heard frantic murmuring.

The two waiters looked at where the bartender disappeared and then at me. As soon as they saw me, they had the same expression as the bartender had cross over their faces. They murmured "Excuse us," To the people they were currently serving and also ran into the back room.

I looked around puzzled. Is something wrong? What did I do? Should I leave?

Before I could even consider it, a big burly man with scruffy white hair and a short white beard barged out, staring straight at me. The three guys I saw before followed him out along with a tall woman with long, wavy, light pink hair and green eyes.

"Its you," The big man said astonished. His crimson eyes wide open with wonderment. "It has to be you... isn't it? No, you have to be. You look exactly like her... you look exactly like Pippa..."

Now it was my turn to give him an astonished look. "How... how do you know my mother's name?" I asked incredulously.

"Oh my, oh my, oh my." The man said. He then picked me up effortlessly with his gigantic arms and pulled me into a bear hug. "Oh how I've waited so long!" He bellowed with a hardy laugh.

"Oi!" I exclaimed.

He then put me down and looked around. "There's only a couple of customers left. I suppose we could serve them right quick and close up early." Then he turned to me. "You can go sit at the bar stool while you wait."

The bartender went back to his place.

"Dont think I didnt hear that glass break, Miki!" The man said to the bartender.

The bartender shook his head. "Goddamn," he muttered. "That's the fourth one this week."

"Can I get you anything?" The bartender asked me. "Coffee, juice, an energy drink? Beer? Wine? Any alcohol?"

"Uhm... you know I'm underaged right?" I said to him.

He looked at me as if I were stupid. "This is South Side." He said dumbly as if it were suppose to explain everything.

"Oh, right, of course." I said sarcastically.

He laughed. "So I take it you dont want anything?"

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