Ch. 7: And Then There Was Him

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I woke up and squinted as the light surrounding me hit my face. All I could really see infront of me was blue. My fist was clutching the blue, I unclutched it and as soon as I did, the blue was wrinkled. Fabric? I repeatedly clutched and unclutched the blue fabric as if I've never seen fabric before.

Clutch. Unclutch. Clutch. Unclutch. Clutch. Pause............... Unclutch.

??Could it be my covers...? No... my covers are grey.


What surface is this even on? I unclutched the fabric and smoothed out the wrinkles. This surface... is neither rough nor smooth. Well I guess its pretty smooth. I did a soft knock on it with my knuckles. Rock solid I would say.
I moved my hand downward to feel the rest of the surface.

"Rough." I mouthed to myself. Unlike the upper part of the surface, this section was definately bumpy. I ran my fingers over the section.

"I wouldn't wanna drive my car on this..." I muttered drunkly to myself. I ran my fingers over the section again and counted every time there was a bump.

One, two. I counted at the bottom and the first two bumps were across from each other so I counted by two's.

Two, four, six. And that's where it stopped and the smoothness of the upper part started. Six bumps. Six. Hmm. Six... then the upper part is smooth. Well... why if I didnt know better I'd think this was a—

"What are you doing...?" A voice asked above my head. I jumped and looked up to see Rin's head bent down toward mine. —a body.

"What the—" I suddenly looked down to where my hand was.

Yeah this "surface" that I've been probing for the last 4 minutes, is... actually Rin's torso. I've been feeling up his abs this entire fucking time and I didnt have a clue. And the "blue fabric" I was wondering about was actually his shirt.

"O-oh my fucking god..." I stuttered. "I am so sorry, I had no idea... I mean— uh... well see I'm not the smartest when I first wake up— In fact I was barely awake, see. I was in that, um, state where I'm not quite awake but not quite asleep..." I was babbling at ridiculous rate and I already felt my face burning and it turned the brightest and hottest red its ever turned in my life.

Rin smiled sweetly at me. "Shhh, its okay, its alright, I know what you mean." he said calmly.

He knows what I mean? The fuck? I could see tinges of pink on his cheeks as he smiled amusingly at me. Something tells me Rin wasn't quite awake either because he was acting way out of character.

"Um— Sorry..." I murmured again.

"Your face is red..." He said in a groggy tone, the sound of his voice made my heart flutter because there was nothing more attractive than a guys voice when they first wake up.

"Yeah... I know..." I muttered looking away from him, that made my face go even brighter.

I have been subconsciously molesting Rin this entire time. Such shame, the heart of a pervert never quite stops. Maybe its all the yaoi I've been reading... yeah that has to be it, that damned yaoi... fueling the fires of the hormonal flames of a teenage girl. Never again. Its turned me into a sleep-molester.

Rin suddenly caught my chin in his hand and tipped it upward to make me look at him, my heart beating out of my chest all the while. "You know, you're so... you're really—" he stopped dead and went wide eyed. He blinked a few times then let go of my chin and furrowed his brow.

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