Ch. 3: True Cross! -_-

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"Waaakeee uuuup!!!!!!" Nay-Lee shrieked.

I instantly shot up from bed breathing heavily. "You scared me shitless!!" I yelled as I tried to hit her.

Nay-Lee laughed. "Today's your first day, freshman." She went over to pick up an outfit on a hanger.

"This is your True Cross uniform." She said holding it out to me. It looked exactly like the one she was wearing. A plain white long sleeved button up shirt and yellow jacket with a pink collar buttoned over it with a pink skirt and a gigantic red striped bow/ribbon/scarf I dont know what it was.

I gulped. "Do I really have to wear that huge bow-scarf thing?" I asked nervously.

"Well I mean I prefer to wear the scarf, but you can wear the tie instead." She said as she took a tie that was hanging on the door knob. It was the exact same color as the scarf.

"Yeah I'll take the tie." I said as I took it from her. I got dressed and put on the long white over-the-knee socks, the black Mary-Janes, the pink skirt, and the white button up.

"Am I allowed to dye the skirt?" I said as I was buttoning my white shirt.

"Nope," Nay-Lee said. "That's out of uniform."

I groaned. "Geez," I murmured. I looked at my tie. "Too tight," I murmured and loosened the tie and unbuttoned the top button of the shirt. "Better," I said.

As I was knotting my tie I looked I looked at the yellow jacket hesitantly. "Um, no." I said.

"Whaddya mean 'no'?" Nay-Lee said.

"I mean I'm not wearing that ugly jacket."

"Ugly?" She asked.

"Yes, ugly. I'm not even going to touch that color."

She sighed exasperatedly. "You need to get over your hate for yellow."

"No." I said stubbornly.

"Its the school uniform, Air. You have to have it."

"Fine," I said as I took the jacket. "I'll hold it but I won't wear it."

Nay-Lee sighed. "Fine ok whatever, just hurry up and get your bags. Mephisto will come any minute."

I went to go pick up my things. As I hung my headphones on my neck I asked Nay-Lee,"Hey, could you tie my hair up please?"

"Sure thing." she said. She came over and gathered my long hair and tied it into a high pony tail. "Look, even in a high ponytail your hair is nearly down to your waist." she said. "Do you want a clip to get your bangs out of your face?"

"Nah," I said with a wave of my hand.

"You really need to get them trimmed again."

"I got them trimmed last week."

"Last week they were a perfect length and perfectly straight, now look at them. Your bangs are maybe about three inches longer than they were."

"Thats impossible, if they grew that much then they'd be down over my eyes."

"They're not over your eyes because your fucking hair just naturally swooshes over your forehead. I dont know how or why your bangs do that."

I shrugged. "Gravity." I said.

We then heard a car honk outside.

"That's Mephisto let's go." Nay-Lee said. We said goodbye to Asami and we went outside. As soon as I saw the car I froze for half a second then kept walking.

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