Ch. 25: BuStED

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Ever since Air confessed to me, I've been feeling kinda squishy. On the inside. In a good way, though. It's hard to explain. Air is someone that I can honestly trust, I can tell her anything, she confides in me, she... she loves me. She makes me happy. And I love her too. I'd do anything for Air, and I want to protect her. It just... feels so nice to have someone. It feels amazing.

But the minute Air went back to school even though she cant move, we haven't been able to talk to each other much. That's because she has a lot of work to catch up on, especially in cramschool. The only time i get to really talk to her is when i wheel her from class to class. Sometimes she comes to lunch but most of the time she's catching up on work, especially after school. But today is suppose to be her last day being immobilized, and she even said that she feels the pain progressively lightening up and fading which is good news to me because I want my Air back. I'm not sure but lately I've had this strong urge to cuddle her until she suffocates. But of course I can't do that, because she's very fragile at the moment.



My eyes flew open the minute I heard the birds chirping outside. I felt an instant smile creep across my face as I wiggled my fingers, only feeling a minor bearable ache.

I can move now!

Still smiling I looked over at Rin who lay next to me in my bed, snoring loudly and drool trailing down the side of his mouth.

"What a cutie." I said with a sigh. I sat up and pushed aside all the porn sitting on my nightstand to look at my digital clock that hid behind it.

5:37 a.m.

Wow I woke up early. I thought to myself as I scratched my head, appreciating the fact that I actually can scratch my head now.

Well there's nothing wrong with getting a fresh start!

I carefully climbed over Rin to get out of the bed and walked over to my dresser.

I can walk now!

I reached in and got my uniform. I hesitated changing into it, looking over at Rin who was merely feet away in a deep sleep.

I looked over at the door. Maybe I should change in the bathroom...?

I shook my head. No, screw that. This is MY room.

I stripped off my pajamas, staring at Rin the entire time to make sure he wasn't about to wake up. Then I looked over at my night stand. Still in my undergarments, I walked over to it and picked up one of my erotic manga that I had recently just finished reading.

At the moment, one particular scene in that dirty manga stood out in my mind. I looked over at Rin as I remembered that graphic scene. I mean pretty much every scene in that book was heavenly graphic, but this one scene stood out. Probably because the beginning of that scene was similar to my current situation.

Quietly wake up and get changed, thinking your partner is asleep and won't notice you. But once you turn your back towards them as you slip on your skirt, you feel his big hands slide around your bare waist. You gasp in surprise at his groping, you just slipped your skirt on but he's quick to take it right back off and whisk you away back to the bed and-

I put my hand to my warm cheek as I felt my face get hot, getting riled up just at the thought of having Rin's firm arms wrapping themselves around my waist, touching my bare skin. I shook my head to knock away my perverted day dream.

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