Ch. 13: A Rather Interesting Dinner

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In no time, eight o'clock rolled around so we walked over to Bernards house.

"Ah! Air and her comrades come in, come in!" Bernard bellowed. Rae and Miki and Suzuki were bustling around and greeted us.

"Apologies for not already having dinner ready!" Suzuki said shyly.

"Oh no its fine." I said. "Um, Bernard, this is Nay-Lee, Asami's sister. And that's Yukio and Rin... as you may know."

Bernard nodded. "Well I better go help Suzuki, you guys have a seat and do as you please, dinner'll be ready in no time."

I looked around and wondered where Haru was. "Where's Haru?" I asked.

"Oh he's up stairs, you should find him in the attic."

I nodded. "You guys can stay here if you want." I said to Rin, Nay-Lee and Yukio.

I headed up stairs and the noise from down stairs seemed to fade away as I entered the attic. It was a spacious room with pure white walls. I found Haru sitting at the window.

"Hey Haru..." I said quietly then quickly remembered

"-Ki!" I said correcting myself. "Haruki."

He looked over at me. "Oh... you're here."

I ignored his bitterness and took notice that he had something clutched in his hand. "What's that?" I asked.

His fist tightened around it and he shoved it in his pocket. "None of your business." He said. "Someone like you wouldn't understand it anyway."

I sighed. There was no hope for this kid. I'm just trying to be nice for God's sake. "Okay..." I said. "I won't pry." I headed back downstairs.

After dinner was ready I sat down at their rectangular table in the empty seat between Nay-Lee and Rin. Bernard sat across from me with Miki sitting at his left side. Beside Miki was an empty chair and Rae was sitting next to it.

Suzuki called Haru down and he silently shuffled down into the seat next to Miki.

"Just a few more minutes, hang in there!" Suzuki called from the kitchen.

I suddenly heard a slight gasp coming from Yukio, we all leaned forward to look at him.

"Something the matter, Yukio-kun?" Nay-Lee asked.

Yukio stared at Bernard. "That badge... you're from Umbra Gale!?" He said referring to the embroidered badge on Bernard's jacket.

"Its about time somebody noticed." Miki said.

Nay-Lee, Rin, and I looked at them confused.

"Umbra Gale? What's that?" I asked.

"Its not surprising you dont know," Bernard said. "I am the head of Umbra Gale Academy. A school which you could say is a little like True Cross Academy."

"How come we've never heard of you?" Rin asked.

"Most of the True Cross organization knows us, much like your friend here Yukio. But you've just recently started so you wouldn't be expected to know. But Umbra Gale is an Exorcist organization, like True Cross, except we're much less exposed to the public eye than True Cross. Umbra Gale has different beliefs than True Cross and has different ways of doing things. In Umbra Gale, we pass judgement upon demons to see whether they're good or bad and only exorcise the demons that are truly evil. You see we believe that there are actually good demons out there and we want to give them a chance."

"Why is that reason to keep your organization from the public eye?" Rin asked.

"Well... you see..." Bernard said. "We dont have normal people as exorcists in our academy. Umbra Gale only uses magic to perform exorcisms. The most common magic used in Umbra Gale is the many different forms of Shadow and Black Magic. There are other types too, but those are the most common."

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