Ch. 20: Part 1 of 2 - The Golden Pocket Watch

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The next day during cramschool me and Rin had to go back to the training room with Shura. She told us to sit in the middle of the room back to back and we obeyed, noticing that something was really off about Shura. And I mean really off. Yukio also stayed silent the entire time he walked us here. Shura briefly walked out of the room into a storage closet and came back out carrying six small candles of her arms. I looked and noticed her left wrist was in bandages.

"Um... how's your wrist doing?" I asked, thinking that maybe that was the reason behind Shura's mood.

"My wrist is doing fucking fine." She spat. I flinched at her hostility. She set down— or more like slammed down— three candles in a row on the floor in front of Rin.

"Yknow," She began as she set the last three candles in front of me. "You guys're a pair of fuckin' idiots. Beyond idiotic is what you are. Especially you Okumura!"

After she set the candles down she took a step back and crossed her arms. "Me and Mephisto were being investigated for hiding the Son of Satan and the Daughter of Lucifer! Do you have any idea how fuckin' long that trial was?! Good thing Mephisto managed to convince the council that you guys would serve as good weapons, and you both passed the exam perfectly so the council will let you actually live."

Rin and I simply stayed in shamed silence.

"But if you guys mess up even one time, then that's it for you. You're done for! And Rin losing control for a moment during the Amaimon situation and stabbing Air in the stomach is exactly the type of thing that we want to avoid and will get the both of you in trouble." As Shura referred to Rin stabbing me as if it were nothing, I noticed Rin was shifting a bit at what she said. "Rin do you know what you lost all sense for a moment there? You couldn't control your flames. Let them control you instead. So that's why I've placed these candles in front of the two of you. You're both going to learn how to control your own flames by lighting all three candles at the same time."

"Aw, come on!" Rin said. "Are you serious?!"

"I don't joke around, Kid." Shura replied.

"Why do I have to do it?!" I protested. "I'm not the one who went crazy!"

"That may be true but I also know that you know as little about controlling your flames as Okumura here." Shura said coolly.

"What about fighting?? How are we gonna protect people if we can't fight??" Rin asked.

"And what good is knowing how to fight if you don't know how to use your flames to fight!?" Shura snapped. "Instead of protecting people you're gonna end up killing them, Okumura! All because you decided to become subservient to your own flames. Your flames! Those flames belong to you! You own them, they don't own you!"

Shura turned to me. "Air, could ya lift up your shirt a little?"

I obeyed, knowing what she meant. I lifted my shirt a bit to show my stomach, exposing the long and slightly wide scar that Rin's sword left on me. I chose not to tell him about the scar but when you get a demon-slaying sword, especially one that belongs to the son of Satan, shoved right through you... it's hard to imagine NOT getting a scar from that. The only thing strange about it was that that was the only visible scar left on me from that day, which is sort of ironic in a sick way.

Shura nodded. "Rin look at that scar." She said pointing at the scar that was placed on the right side of my abdomen. I stared at Rin, looking for some sort of reaction, as he swallowed and his eyes slowly trailed down to the scar he left on me. His blue orbs flickered up to look into my own eyes for half a second, then he looked away from me and faced forward towards Shura with his jaw clenched.

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