Ch. 28: The B Word...

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I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the light from the window hitting my lids. I saw Manu on the foot of the bed fast asleep and Kuro stretched out across Rin's face and wondered when they got in here. Then I heard a slight scratching noise I looked in front of me to see Oz at the end of our bed, sitting in a chair and sketching something in pencil on a large notepad. Her focus only being what was on the notepad as she briefly tossed her long dark side braid back to get out of her way.

I furrowed my brows in curiosity. "What are you doing?" I asked, with a tinge of grogginess in my tone.

Oz jumped and looked up, her light mint eyes made contact with the shine coming in from the window and they appeared as white as mine. "Nee-chan you're up!" She whispered. "I came in to tell you guys it was about breakfast time but the lighting was so perfect in here, and the scene before was so perfect as well... and I just had to get it down before the light went away."

"Come again?"

Oz came to my bed side and showed me her sketch pad and I gasped.

"That's... that's really amazing..." I breathed as I sat up and studied the notepad more. It was a detailed drawing of Me, Rin, Kuro, and Manu laying in our bed just a second ago, Manu laying across my feet looking peaceful, Kuro sleeping on Rin's face and Rin's mouth wide open in a snore with drool trailing down the corner of his mouth sprawled out next to me. Probably the most accurate drawing I've seen in a long time, artistically detailed in every single little thing. Even the wrinkles in the bed sheets.

"You even got the drool..." I laughed. "This is really good, Oz."

Oz smiled and looked back down at her drawing. "I like to draw." She stated simply. "Sometimes I make a habit of drawing random things that catch my attention."

Rin choked on his snore and started shifting in the bed.

"Anyway," Oz said in a much louder voice as she closed the notepad. "Breakfast is about to be served! So hurry up and get down there!" She said then skipped out of room, with Manu and Kuro instantly shooting up to follow her, and shutting the door behind her.

Rin sat up and rubbed his eyes as I got out of the bed and went to go get dressed in the bathroom.

I tripped over Rin's jeans and stumbled forward and ran face first into the bathroom door.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Rin gave loud burst of laughter.

"Shit..." I hissed as I rubbed my forehead and opened the door. I heard Rin say something as I closed the door behind me but I didn’t bother telling him I couldn’t hear.

As I wiggled into my black skinny jeans and slipped on my white tank top and my black Gumi sweater over it, I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I said as I opened the door a crack to peep out at a fully dressed Rin while trying to zip my jeans up.

"I said are you okay." He said.

I instinctively reached up to touch my forehead and felt only a tiny bit of pain, it bruised a little. "Yeah it's nothing."

Rin pulled me out of the bathroom and kissed my forehead where the bruise was.

I felt myself blushing and pulled away. "U-Um... yeah let's go to breakfast." I said as I went to slip on my black high top converse sneakers. Rin sat down next to me put on sneakers of his own.

"What's this?" He asked as he tugged on the sleeve of my sweater.

"This...? Why? Does it not look good?"

"I've got something better." Rin quickly went to his room and came back.

"Mine." He said as he held out the dull pink sweater that belonged to him.

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