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The quote inspired this one shot


It was just a normal day for Riley Matthews.
Get up, make cereal, pick up the bowl of the cereal she drops. But no, the wasn't normal. Ever since Texas; Maya and Lucas started to date.

Maya doesn't come for Riley anymore. Because Maya was 'to busy' but in reality she was just having fun with her family; Katy,Herself, and Shawn. Katy and Shawn eventually got married last year- when Maya stopped coming over.

Riley understand though, she was sad still. She and Maya don't really speak anymore. But when they do it's award and stiff. Plus Maya doesn't wear the friendship ring-Riley does still. But she's so close to dropping it in the drain.

Riley got up and headed to school; alone. She headed to her locker, grabbed her  stuff she needed for history. Surprisingly her dad was still her teacher. Which was good, they didn't think they were going to survive high school without his lessons.

When she walked in she saw Maya and Lucas teasing each other. They never had the spark; their relationship was more teasing than, lovely relationship. Bur it still made Riley's heart ache.

Riley then saw what was written on the board. 'Love and Like'.  Mr.Matthews started to talk; grabbing the attention of the class. "Love and Like; you might think it's the same but it's not. Does anyone have questions?" Riley thought for a moment then asked a question that caught everyone's attention.

"What's the difference between 'I like you' and 'I love you'?" Maya then said "Riles 'I like you' means you care about the person a little then 'I love you' means you care about the person alot" Maya said it in a baby voice; which made Riley feel mad, annoyed, and especially stupid.

Riley then look down in shame. "Riles I didn't-" "No, Maya I think you said enough" Riley cut Maya of; which shocked everyone. Except her dad; Riley's dad always knew she had it in her- but to afraid to show it. He just smiled at his daughter before he started to speak.

"No, Maya that's incorrect, and Riley good question, well its like a flower. If you like a flower you pluck it. If you love a flower, you water it every day and take care of it" Lucas finally asked Riley this "Are you okay this isn't normal for you Riley" "Why do you care now? I've been like this since last year. And you ask now!" Riley yelled.

"Riley what's wrong. We've been best friends-" Maya started to say but cut off by Riley;
"Best friends.! Yeah, right Maya. We don't talk anymore. A-And your friendship ring it gone, so here you go." Riley took off her friendship ring and gave it to Maya.

Maya looked down at the friendship ring in her hand. She wonder; how could she let this happen? Her best friend in the entire world; the person that made her happy. Was gone; and for a whole year. And she didn't even notice.

The bell rang; Riley quickly got up and darted out of the doors. Maya and Lucas went to see Farkle. Farkle was just watching the whole thing unfold. He knew about Riley's condition. She would cry herself to sleep; or not sleep at all.

The worst thing was; everyday after school Riley hoped Maya would come through the bay window. Farkle will see how happy she is once she heard the window open; but then see the persons face behind the window which was always Farkle. She would just cry into his shoulder.

Riley was like a sister to him. And a brother to her. Once Maya and Lucas reached the the library; there was Farkle. Reading a book; like always. "Farkle how long did you know!" Maya yelled; then quickly turning it back into a whisper when people stared at her.

"You guys finally care now! She's been like this for a year; do you want to know why?" Farkle whispered-yelled. "Yes, Farkle please!" Lucas pleaded. Farkle took a deep breath and said "Because of you guys. Everyday after school I go to her house; she's at the bay window always waiting for you. But when she realizes it's me she sobbed on to my shoulder.

And you Lucas; you know she's insecure. So choosing her best friend instead of her; it made her more insecure. She cried herself to sleep every night or sometimes didn't every fall asleep. But what hurt me the most was; that I walked in on her trying to kill her self."

Shock went over their faces; Farkle was trying to keep the tears down. But slowly they started to fall down his face. "She thought she wasn't enough. Good enough; pretty enough; skinny enough; overall not good enough. Because she loved you Lucas; but she let you go for Mayas' happiness. Are you guys happy of what you made happen." Farkle then lefted leaving the two ashamed; and guilty of what happened.

2 Months Later

The core-4 resolved their issues with each other. Maya and Lucas broke up, realizing they weren't good together; Riley was happy she had a boyfriend; Charlie Gardner. Nobody liked him. Especially Lucas but he stepped back for Riley's happiness.

But Charlie was like a creepy-creep-creep.
They kept a eye on Charlie; but one day Maya; Lucas; and Farkle were in the classroom 10 minutes before the bell rang. It was normal for them; but Riley and Charlie weren't there; like usual. That's until they heard yelling; to be exactly Riley's and Charlie's yelling.

"Get away from me" Riley yelled "Riley what you saw back there was nothing" Charlie tried to fight back "Oh yeah well the boy I told I 'loved' him ; cheated on me with a slut bag!" She screamed and bursted out in to crying. Maya quickly went to her side; as did Farkle and Lucas.

Lucas held Riley's trembling face in his hands. "Riley what's wrong?" He asked calmly. Even though she just said it he needed to be sure. "He cheated on me" Riley said it; like ripping off a bandage. Quick and Easy. But it always had that after sting. She thought she loved that boy; and vis versa- she was so wrong. Right after she said that she bolted out of the class room.

Lucas stood up and pinned Charlie to the wall. Maya and Farkle were by his side to make sure Lucas stays under control and to see if this was true; and to stand up for Riley most importantly. But they all knew it was true they just wanted to see what Charlie did; would he lie? Or would he say the truth? 

"Did what she say true? Gardner?" Lucas hiss; if looks could kill, Charlie would be dead already. "Don't believe what that bitc-" Farkle quickly interrupted Charlie saying. "Don't you dare finish that sentence, or we will let Lucas beat you up." Charlie quickly shut his mouth.
"Drop boy" Maya said teasing Lucas by making him seem he was a dog.

Reluctantly Lucas dropped Gardner and went to search for Riley. Of course she went to the bay window; but her room was different. It was trashed; pictures of Riley and Charlie were smashed. All was broken; except the bay window. It was clear- it was the only place clear. And Riley was sitting on the bay window. 
All by herself.

"He's a jerk" Lucas said; startling Riley at first.
"I know but the weird thing is I'm kinda happy about it. " Riley said shocking Lucas. "Why are you so happy?" Lucas asked; Riley looked at Lucas; leaned closer and whispered into his ear; "So I can do this" Riley then kissed him.

It wasn't like they're first kiss. It was filled with emotion; passion; sweet; and love. They broke apart a minute later until Riley said this,

"It's always been you; I love you Lucas"

"And it's alway been you, I love you Riley"

                      "Fovever and Always"

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