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High School.

It was just the next place. But a place can change a lot of things, especially the people in that place. Three seniors, six friends, and suddenly the six friends are by themselves and a person by their side.

Lucas and Zay.

Farkle and Smackle.

Riley and Maya.

It's funny how words can separate people. Like these words, 'Sometimes your to much for me, Riley'. Were they prepared to meet high school? Did Mr. Matthews teach them they needed to know? In that case, yes, he did.

Sometimes it's better to figure out a new place together first, instead of driving in, by themselves. Once Lucas and Zay saw the football team they weren't ready. And once Farkle and Smackle figured out they weren't the smartest anymore, they weren't ready.

But Riley and Maya observe high school. The girl with the jungle boots meets up with the boy with the motorcycle boots, to do advance things.


Lucas, Zay , Farkle ,and Smackle met up at Topanga's.

"I don't feel important anymore." Farkle said once he walked in with Smackle trailing behind him. The rest of the group nodded. "Maybe, we go ask forgiveness. And everything is normal again." Smackle said.

Lucas disagreed, "We left them."

"Sooo. . .?" Zay said, to fill in the silence. Farkle spoke up, "I think I know what Lucas means, we left them." "And Riley has more faith in us, but we let them down. We don't deserve to be forgiven." Lucas finished.


Riley and Maya were at the bay window when some visitors came, Nikki, Thor, and Francesca, the ones who sent them down the hole.

"Nice room!" said Francesca, looking around the room. "What do you guys want?" said Maya who was already looking bored.

The dirty blonde haired boy spoke up, "To see how your days at high school went for you guys." Riley scoffed, "How do you think it went? I made my best friends leave. I was wrong."

The three older kids looked at each, Nikki spoke, "Once there was a group of friends, and half of the group thought going out and diving into the new world was going to make them figure it out, but the other half thought they should stay in the hole, and looking at their surroundings. We were part of that group of friends. We were the kids who went to dive right into the new world, but we were wrong. They were the smarter ones."

Riley looked up, "Do you guys still talk?". Thor nodded his head, "Yeah, sometimes but its not the same." Maya stood up, "Then why can't they even look us in the face." The other blonde in the spoke up, "They are humiliated."

The three older teens said in simultaneously, "Go, get your friends back." Riley and Maya looked at each other before walking out of the room together.


Riley and Maya drag in, Zay, Smackle, Farkle, and Lucas to Topanga's. After sitting them down, they wouldn't make eye contact with Maya and Riley. "Look at us." Riley and Maya simultaneously. Riley forced Zay's and Smackle's head to look at them and Maya did the same thing with Lucas and Farkle.

"I'm sorry." Riley said, Lucas' head snapped towards Riley, "Your sorry? If anyone should be sorry it would be me. I let this happen. You were right, and I was wrong. I can't protected you guys anymore." He looked down onto the hardwood floor.

Lucas look up at her brown eyes when Riley put a hand on his shoulder, "You can't protect us anymore Lucas, but we can protect each other."  She sat down next to him and laced her hand with his, with a peck on his cheek.

"You still love me?" The green eyed boy asked. The brunette smiled, "Always."


The next day in class, everything was normal, but until Mr. Matthews gave a sheet of paper to everyone, "Right down your biggest fear." With that said, they wrote their fears.

"Riley, say your fear." Mr. Matthews said. "People scared me. They change their minds so quick. One moment it's 'I love you' and 'You make me happy' and the next it's 'I'm not sure anymore' and 'this isn't what I want.' But I'm hoping that no matter what or who changes our minds, we know what is important, and we'll stick to that." Riley looked around he rom to see her friends and boyfriend already looking at her, smiling.


The couple walked outside, by themselves once they got rid of the rest of the gang. Riley was laying her head on Lucas' shoulder, with their hands laced together, while walking to Riley's house as usual to 'study' but that really means watching movies, cuddling, and a few make-out sessions to.

Lucas looked down at his girlfriend for almost a year now, "I love you much, it hurts when your sad or upset with me. I love you and no matter how much I say it, it still won't be enough."

"I love you too." After they kissed, they continued walking.


How like the twist in the plot? This is my version of High School part 2.

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