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-not proofread-

It's was a normal day until, it wasn't.

I thought everything was fine between us.

I thought me, Riley Matthews, tamed the bad boy.

Let me tell you about him. Black is his signature color. Leather jackets. Black boots that make the clack, clack, clack , noise. His black t-shirts hugged his body in all the right ways. His hair spiked up.

Most importantly, he plays girls. Like their toys.

I promised myself, that I would never fall for him. But here I am telling you about the boy that broke my heart, and my soul.

I know what your thinking, 'Oh my gosh that is so cliché'. I should've listened to my friends but I didn't.

One day, I was walking to class when I bumped into a rock hard chest, that made me almost fall on that ground.

When a pair of arms caught me, when I looked at who caught me, he had that stupid smirk on his face.

I want to smack that off his face.

He stared at me, and I stared at him. It was weird. I thought is was because we had sparks.

But now I know they weren't sparks, they were little warnings. Stinging me in the stomach.

But, lets carry on with story, shall we.

Once I recovered from the fall, I quickly got myself out of his hold, and continue to walk to class, wanting to forget about, whatever that was.

I thought that was the last time we will ever cross paths, but I thought wrong.

We had every class together. Somehow my eyes always focused back on him, to see he's been staring at me the whole time.

I started to talk to him, against that wishes of my friends, I learned things about him nobody knew.

Or I thought so, apparently he told every girl he has dated the same thing, 'I never told anyone this, I'm telling you because your special.'

We started to hang out.

Then hang out turned into make-out sessions.

Then one day he told me he loved me.

It ALL was one BIG lie.

He broke up with my two weeks later.

I remember the conversation.

"Can we start over? Can you love me like you used to?" I plead with him.

He looked at me and sighed.

"I never loved you."

That had to be that most heartbreaking moment of my life. I was completely shattered. The only words I had for my friends were,

'You were right.'

I'll never forgive what the bad boy had did to me. I'll never forgive Charlie Gardner.

-Present Day-

I was walking into Topanga's. When I suddenly slip on ice. I wait for that hard impact, and realizing someone's arms are around me.

Sparks for his touch. I look up, no other than Lucas Friar is there.

"Hey" He smiled.


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