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bcs i loved this Rucas moment💕😻

bcs i loved this Rucas moment💕😻

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~not proof read~

Riley was walking to her locker, where her and Lucas would meet at the end of the day.

She got their first since, Lucas was in gym and the gym was on the other side of the school- so it was a long walk.

Riley put in her combination and a letter flew out. Not another one, she thought.

Before she opened it, she looked around to see if anyone was there. But nobody was in the hallway.

'Why do you run from me?
But if I do say so myself, you look sexy running.
I'll be waiting, and this time
You won't be able to run'

The note sent goosebumps down arms. She decided to show Lucas this when he gets here, but it was taking longer than usual.

She shrugged it off and start to put stuff in her locker. Riley could feel eyes staring at the back of her head, but nobody was there.

She then felt a sharp pain in her side, and everything was black. 

-Where Lucas is-

Lucas was walking though the hall when something- more like someone stop him.


"Hey, man!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Um, Hey?" Lucas said- which sounded more like question than a statement. But Charlie never talked to Lucas except the time at the semi formal.

"So. . . How you doing? Bro, pal, buddy, dude."
Charlie said nervously.

"Charlie, look, I really have to go meet up with Riley." Lucas started to walk away but Charlie stopped him before he could go far.

"Charlie, and gonna count to three and you better be out of my way." Lucas said through gritted teeth. "1.......2.......-" but before he got to three Charlie's phone dinged.

Charlie saw the text a slid his phone into his pocket, "Sorry to hold you up buddy, you can go." Charlie smiled.

Lucas then raced through the hall to Riley's locker to find nothing. He panicked, he locker everywhere but the only he could find was a note, that said,

'Hey Lucas.
Looking for your princess?
Check the gym.'

Lucas zoomed of to the gym to find a pitch black room, as if this couldn't get scarier.

But all of a sudden the lights turn on, and everyone is there, including the teachers.

And there was a banner that said
'Happy Birthday Lucas'.

Lucas totally forgot about his birthday, but with so many things going on he couldn't keep track.

Then, Riley came skipping towards him,
"Fool you, didn't I?" She asked.

Lucas looked at her shocked, "Y-You did this?"
Riley nodded. "Thank you."

He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss, and walked towards the cake that was calling their names.


Sorry it took so long! I had hell this week. (Aka school)
But here you go! Send in request!

And Im making a new book!


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