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Read Authors Note at end.

-not proof read-

Riley was walking down the hallway of John Quincy Adams High School.

She was going to tell her best friends she's enter a dance competition, with her dance partner, Evan.

They practice for months, for this spot only. And they hard work payed off.

But every time she tried to say something about her dancing, someone always cuts her off. Like how Maya with her art, Lucas with his baseball games, Zay with his ballet, and Farkle and Smackle with their science stuff.

But this time she's going to try harder to tell them.

Riley saw her friends by her locker, talking, and waiting for her because it's a pretty long walk from science class to her locker.

Once she got to her locker and said 'hey' to her friends she got her stuff she needed for the next class and the filers for the dance competition. Then started prepping what to say about the dance competition. 'Just go with the flow' . She told her self.

"Hey guys, there's this-" Riley was immediately was cut of by her blonde best friend, "Hey, there's this art gallery opening tomorrow at 6:30. Who wants to go." Everyone then started talking about how they would go, but not Riley.

That was the same night and time Riley's dance competition was at.

Riley was fed up with it. She slammed her locker and began walking away. She didn't go that far away because a hand latched onto her wrist. The hand was familiar, so familiar.

She looked behind her to see Lucas, "What's wrong?" He spoke.

"What's wrong? This is what's wrong! I'm trying to tell you something I worked so hard on and every time I try to, somebody interrupts me!" Riley snapped, and threw the filers on the ground in front of the group. Then walked away to the music room, where Evan was waiting to hear the news.

Lucas pick up one of the pictures and showed it to the rest of the group, "Dance competition? What's so important about that?" The group was clueless, so they decided to follow Riley to-wherever she went. They found her in the music room-she wasn't alone though. She was with Evan but the gang didn't know that.

There was a guy with her, holding her to be exact. She was crying, that probably hurt him more to see than another guy holding her.

Riley started to talk once the tears slowed down, "I d-don't get it, why won't they listen! This is important to us. We worked for months for this part and every time they don't listen! it's always about sports, ballet, science, and art!"

The gang pieced everything together. Why she couldn't hang out after school, but they didn't even asked 'Why?'. Why she was always drenched in sweat when she came home. And why she didn't go to art galleries, games, science fairs, and ballet practice to laugh at Zay, with them.

They had to do something, so they planned on to go to her dance competition. After planning everything out, they turned back to the room to see Evan trying to calm down Riley, "Hey, hey, it's okay. How about we do this."

Before Riley answered she was being twirled around in circles. Riley started to giggle as she went out of his grasp to leap in the air.

"There's my dancer!" Exclaimed Evan. The gang was amazed. Riley was clumsy, so seeing her with so much grace and balance amazed them.

Riley smiled, "Yeah, where going to win this competition." Riley walk out with Evan, just in time for her not to see the gang walking away.

-Day of competition-

Riley and Evan were pumped up with energy. They had to get through three dances, which they choreographed, so is basically them dancing with some other dancers that decided to help.

Riley was currently putting the last touches of her makeup on. It was always 'Go bold or Go home' on her makeup.

She had on a white two piece, with lace over the two piece. She looked absolutely stunning.

"Hey, we go on in, five minutes

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"Hey, we go on in, five minutes. " said Evan. Riley was currently breathing in and out to calm her nerves. Evan saw this and decided to tell her what-more like who- was out in the audience. "Your friends are out there." He finally huffed out, he saw the look on her face. Happiness mixed with shock, she quickly ran out looking for her friends.

She finally saw them close to the stage, she quickly ran up to them, "Guys, you came!"

The gang turned around at the sound of her voice. She look gorgeous, the dress showed here curves and her tone body.

Each one gave hugs to her, and said sorry about not listening, which she forgave them. 
Maya spoke out first, "Riles you look absolutely gorgeous. "

Riley smiled, "Thanks look guys I have to go."  Everyone was pressuring Lucas to say how he feels about Riley.

So Lucas walked up to Riley, "Lucas what-" she was cut off by a kiss, she, of course, kissed back. The kiss was like lightning. Once they pulled back Riley was in a daze. She had to blink several times to get out of the daze.
"Wow, that was amazing." Riley said.

"I love you, I'm sorry I have said it before but I love you. I'm in love with you." Lucas said passionately. It made Riley's heart flutter. She grabbed his hands and said, "I'm in love with you too, but I have to go right now. And there's some kissing in the dance but don't get jealous, they mean nothing to me."

Lucas clenched his jaw but nodded, it was her night any way, "Okay, but I love you."

"I love you too, see you guys later." With that she took off to the stage.


(A/N Riley is the one in the wedding dress and Evan is the guy who dance with her)

"Wow, she's amazing, well except that kiss." Lucas said. "Calm down man, I mean sure he's good looking, and if I were a girl I would kiss him." With a quick kick to the shin from Maya, Zay shut up.

"Zay is being annoying, don't listen to him. She loves you not him." Maya reasoned with him.

He just nodded and looked forward to the next dance.

A/N comment if you want a part two, I will only do a part two if I at least get 6 or more comments, and votes.

Also sorry if I wasn't updated alot. My sisters birthday was on the 7th then my birthday was on the 10th. But I actually had 2 birthdays bcs my family lives apart. 

Love💖- Jocelyn.

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