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So I got tagged by mayaville_  so let's see how this goes!

1. Rucas, or Riarkle?

This is a hard one, even though I'm a Rucas account, I have to go with Riarkle!

2.Where do you live?

I live in America.

3.Have you ever met a celebrity?

Nooo, but I want to me Rowan😍

4.Dream country to live in or visit?

My dream country to live in is Brazil 🇧🇷

5.Friends or How I Met Your Mother?

I don't watch both of the shows bcs I mostly like mysteries shows. But if I had to pick one it would be Friends.

6. GMW on Disney or Freeform?

Freeform, because on Disney you can't really see more mature topics we are going to learn about in future, but Freeform has mature topics and were characters can choose their sexuality and not just be straight. (I really wanted Riley to be bisexual on the show.)

7.Have you had your first kiss yet?

No, didn't even have a boyfriend and I just started grade 7! (Its the 2nd month of the school year)

8.Clinton or Trump?

Neither, they are both unworthy candidates. But since I live in America, one of them is going to be my president😭😭😭

9. Favorite show?

Scream Queens!!!

10. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love GMW?




My questions

1. Lissy or Rarlie?

2. Favorite book?
(On Wattpad or a regular book)

3. Favorite album to listen to?
(Mine is by Shawn Mendes Illuminate)

4. Country you live in?
(Yeah I know I restated a question but I generally want to know)

4. Eye color?

5. Would you be a Rowan stan or a Corey stan?
(Me both duhhh)

6. Favorite episode of GMW?

7. Bones or NCIS?
(Love those shows)

8. Are you more like Riley or Maya?

9. More like Lucas or Farkle?

10. More like Smakle or Zay?

I tag dora_ruiz  majestyriles and friarandmatthews

Have funnn!!!😘😘

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