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5 years old•

Little Riley Matthews was running around, giggling and squealing. Guess who was chasing her. 

Little Lucas Friar. The boy that didn't make fun of Riley for being herself. He actually said on the first day,

'I like you. There's not a lot of people like you, trying to be themselves'

Even they were neighbors. They played tag everyday. It was a tradition. When one of them is sad or in any mood, they said; 'Tag! Your it!' . Then quickly run away.

•10 years old•

Both of them were sitting on swigs in a broken-down park. It was nice. It was their place.

"He doesn't like me" The little brown-haired girl said. Charlie Gardner.  The boy she first liked. Embarrassed her in front of everyone by saying 'Ew! Weird Girl likes me!'.

Everyone laughed at her. Except Lucas.

It made Lucas mad to the core. Especially when he found her sitting here by herself, crying. He had to keep his anger in; for Riley's sake.

"He doesn't deserve you. I know your thinking your not enough, but your more than enough. Plus would I never lie to one of my only best friends." Riley snuggled into Lucas chest/shoulder. When Lucas ran away saying,

"Tag! Your it!" She smiled and quickly began to run.

15 years old•

High School was tough at first but Riley and Lucas got the hang of it. They both extremely liked each other; and saying they both liked each other is an understatement.

Imagine being in love with your best friend. But your to blind to see they love you back.

They where just sitting on the swigs at the broken-down playground. Riley's head in Lucas' chest, while he stroked her hair. He favorite thing to do.

"Why does he have to come back" She complained. He chuckled lightly, "Well, I think he wants you. You know for you body, I mean he even said it 'Hey sexy'. I mean, who does that?"

"Him, he's a perverted jerk!" She yelled, "Why I'm I not good enough, for him, for anyone! I'm worthless piece-" she was cut off by soft, gentle lips on hers.

Lucas just wanted her to know that isn't.
She's good enough. More than good enough for him. But all he wanted was her, he needed her, he pulled away and said,

"Tag! Your it!"

•20 years old•

The couple walked hand in hand to there college classes. They been together for 5 years.

When everyone thought they were just a 'friends with benefits' thing. Riley and Lucas showed them wrong.

They were something more than that. They were something special.

"Did you finish the homework assignment?" Ask the green-eyed boy. She sighed and laughed a little, "When will you do you homework!"

He pretended to think, "When I stop loving you, which is never." He pushed her against the wall gently. And had a passion make-out session. He pulled away and smiled,

"Tag! Your it!"

25 years old•

Riley and Lucas where in their home. Lucas making breakfast and Riley walking into the kitchen when she smelled the pancakes. They were a weird, loving husband and wife relationship.

But they loved it.

"Pancakes! Yumm! Gimme gimme!" Riley said in a childish voice.

"What's the magic word?" He said teasing.
"Sex?" She wiggled her eyebrows and laughed.

"That would be good but we can't we already have a bun in the oven," Lucas put his hand on her belly bump "And the magic word is please." He laughed. "Please" she gave out her puppy dog eyes and pouty lip.

He gave in.

"Hey , Lucas" she asked. He 'mhmm' in response. She smiled and said,

"Tag! Your it!"

The End•

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