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A/N at bottom.


T'WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS. It was a stormy day. Clouds all around, snow falling on people's roofs, and on themselves.

Around this time of year people usually put up Christmas lights around their house, but the Matthews? No, they decorate inside their house.

Everything to jingle bell's and mistletoe, it was all there.

Riley wore her ugly Christmas sweater with her black leggings and her ankle boots. Green and red were the main colors of that house.

Christmas was going to be here tomorrow and she couldn't wait. But unfortunately Lucas won't be here for this Christmas, he was at Texas. Visiting family.

It was their annual Christmas party. Every year the Matthews would have this party and celebrate the joy of family.

Topanga, Cory, and Auggie were at the store picking up a few last minute things.

Everything was fine until the lights went out. Riley immediately grab a flash light and tried looking for a phone.

"Yes!" Riley smiled when she finally found it. She immediately dialed her mom's cell number and her mom picked up in minutes.

"Mom, all the lights went out. Where are you?" Riley rambled though the phone.

"Honey, were stuck in the store. Streets are closed. Lights are outs too. We can't be there for Christmas Eve. I'm sorry."

Riley could feel the tears coming first Lucas wouldn't be here, now her family? Could it get worse?

Keeping the tears in, she spoke, "It's okay. I'll see you soon. Love you bye." With that she hung up and sank to her knees crying. 

All she wanted at that moment was Lucas his arms around telling her she's not alone.



Riley looked up, Who could that be? She thought. 

Riley dried her eyes and opened the door, outside the door was a mailman.  Holding a packet.

"Riley Matthews?" He said.


"A package from Lucas Friar. And if you don't mind, can I come in. That roads are closed." He said nervously at the last part.

Riley looked at him for a few seconds, making sure he was a alright kind of guy. And not a serial killer.

She opened the door, "Sure. What's your name."

"Edd Waterson." Edd replied with a charming smile.

"So let me guess your boyfriend sent you a package from Texas?" Edd spoke when he sat on the couch.

"How'd you know?" Riley narrowed her eyes at him.

"Says on the box from Texas. I connected the dots."

Riley smiled and sat next to him, "Why are you working on Christmas Eve? Shouldn't you be home with your family."

Edd looked at her, she was the first one to ask that, "I need to make some money so my kids can have a good Christmas."

"Your a good father." she said.

"I try. Now are you going to open up that box or what?" Edd smiled at her.

Smiling brightly she opened up the box, inside was a miniature subway car. Riley smiles as she knows what it means.

"A subway car?" Edd questioned.

"It's the place we met." She answered.

She grabbed the letter she just now noticed, and read it.

To, My Riley

So sorry I couldn't be there princess.  I love you. So much. Merry Christmas Eve. Hope your having the best of fun. Remember the subway car? Yeah, those were the good days. But now we're going to make great days in the future. I love you.

From, Lucas xoxo.

"That's the most adorable thing I've ever seen." Edd sniffled. 


Hola! Hope your having the best Christmas ever! 

Tell me what you got. Or what was the best present you've ever gotten! 

I got some iTunes music, headphones, and clothes. (All I wanted were those)

My new cover is amazing! What do you think? It's by dorothyfriar (thank you again).

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