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-not proof read-

This one shot is called:

Sweaty Palms

IT WAS GROSS, holding hands with Charlie was always gross. Why did she even say yes? What was going through her mind?

Yes, it's true. Charlie and Riley were dating. It was one date that turn into spending almost every day with him. But when he asked her out, Riley was shocked.

Yeah, Charlie was funny. Yeah, he had amazing blue eyes. Yeah, he had an award winning smile.

But Riley wanted green eyes, the guy that's not always so funny, and had a lopsided grin that was perfectly, perfect for her.

Why did she say yes?

Because she felt bad for Charlie.

Now she regrets it.

As she and Charlie were walking down the halls of their school, whispers and curious looks were sent their way. Charlie was smile proudly, while Riley was hiding in her hair.

She didn't want to see his face. The face that can make her feel a million feelings at once. That can bring her to her knees. That can make the blood rush up to her cheeks.

But there he was. Standing and talking to her friends.

Charlie pulled her along to her group of friends. When they got there, the group was shocked. Especially Lucas.

"When did this happen." Maya spoke.

"Yesterday night." Charlie spoke, with pride in his voice.

Riley felt all the breath come out of her lungs when she looked at Lucas. She couldn't speak, she couldn't look away from his eyes. His eyes that held so much hurt in them.

Riley felt a stab in her heart when she saw it and knowing it was caused by her.

"Well, I got to go babe." Charlie kissed her cheek before he walk to his class.

"Um, well we should be going right guys?" Maya asked and ran away with Zay, Smackle, and Farkle into the classroom. Leaving Lucas and Riley by them selves.

"Why?" Was all Lucas asked.

It would confuse her but some how Riley knew what he was talking about.

"What about all those times we spent all night talking. Those days that were just you and me. Me and you. Lucas and Riley. Riley and Lucas. What happened to that?" Lucas took one of her hands in his. "What about us?"

"I'm sorry." That was all Riley could say.

Tears were filling up in her eyes. Lucas' eyes were red.

"That's all you could say? And think it would make a difference? Well guess what, it didn't." With that Lucas dropped her hand and left the school.

Riley finally let the tears fall. She didn't care who saw it. She just cried. She lost the one she didn't want to lose because of her stupid decision.

Riley watched him walk away from her. All she wanted to do was go grab him and hug him. But she couldn't. She just let him go. Because when you love someone, sometimes you have to let them go and be happy with someone else. No matter how much it pains her to do so.

When Lucas held her hands all she could feel was sparks and warmth. Not sweaty, cold hands.

Now she had to get used to sweaty palms.

Soo... that happened.
But any way,
Check out my new book 'WASSUP' GMW Group Chat!
There's Rucas, Smarkle, Zaya, and maybe a extra guy😏

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