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He stares at her everyday. Wondering how she still amazes him everyday.

Maybe because she's a dreamer.

Maybe because she wear little to no makeup.

Or maybe she cares to much about everyone, and that's what hurts her the most.

He hates seeing her in pain. Physically or emotionally.

She's the sun to his dark sky.

The spark to his firework.

The Riley to his Lucas.

She everything.

They were sitting in Mr. Matthews classroom waiting for him to speak.

He said, "Chose a partner and write something you love and hate hate about them. But they have to be related to each other. Boy and girl partners. Go."

"Me and Farkle, Riles and Huckleberry." Maya said then ran to join Farkle.

"So partner what do you love and hate about me?" Riley said with a smirk.

Lucas smiled, "You'll find out soon enough. " and Riley let out a frustrated sigh and started working.

Lucas had the perfect thing to say. So he wrote it. Riley also had an idea to.

They were the first ones done, so Mr. Matthews made them go first. Riley went first,

"He fights, but it's for a good reason. He does it because he cares."

Then Lucas said his,

"She wants to take care of everyone,
But nobody wants to take care of her."

Then they sat down.

"So you really think that?" The brunette girl said.

He smiled and said, "It what I love and hate about you the most. But I will always care for you."

She pecked him on the cheek and held his hand. Which cause fireworks in both of their hands.

"I really love you"

"And I really love you too princess."

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