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"Once upon a time there was a insecure, cute, brunette girl. She stood out of the crowd like a red apple with a bunch of green apples. But in a good way. But then all of a sudden the subway came to a stop, the brunette came flying into my lap. Some say brown eyes are boring but not to me, her eyes held my world in them. From that moment on they knew they were going to be together forever. The End." Lucas finished the story to his 3 year old daughter, Ella Ann Friar. She was already asleep by the time he finished the story.

When he was walking out there stood his beautiful, kind, one-of-a kind wife, for 5 years, Riley Grace Friar. With a smirk she said, "I think I know that story."

He smiled, "Well you should because I remember every moment together. Every laugh, every smile, every kiss."

With a nod she said, "C'mon I'm tired, and the baby is too." Riley placed a hand on her 2 month baby bump, that barely began to show.

Lucas went to Riley, and knelt down and kissed her baby bump, "Hey, baby. Are you being good for Mommy?" He put his hand on her baby bump as he stood up, "Wow, he's a little kicker? Huh?" He laughed.

"Yeah, no kidding, I mean it's good to see him active. But then when he starts to kick my ribs it hurts like hell." Riley said with a huff.

"Don't worry, just 7 more months, then we'll welcome the world to Liam Mason Friar. He will have his mothers eyes, my hair, my manners, most importantly your heart."  Lucas said, Lucas loved Riley but her heart was, and is, her best feature. She would do anything and everything to make everyone happy even if it makes her miserable.

"Let me say good night to my little girl" Riley said, walking over to Ella and kissing her forehead.

They walk into the new nursery.

The walls were gray, with a brown crib, the bedding blue, a shelf with books, and toys. A changing table, which it brown also, with diapers, pacifier, other baby things. There's a drawing on the wall of a white tree. Then theres a 'L' on the wall too.

Riley wiped some tears away, as she walks to the crib, "I can't wait till he's here. It feels like yesterday I fell on your lap in the subway."

She then felt arms wrap around her, and she leaned back into his embrace.

"I know, I feel like that too. But look what we did. We're married. We have a family. We have a house. Most importantly I have you. That's all I ever wanted and needed." He stopped for a moment then went on to speak, "I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope and every dream I've ever had. No matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours."

That made Riley's heart full. He never went without a day telling her she's beautiful or I love you or both sometimes.

She turned around to face him, and she put her hand on his chest, "I love you too, so much. I'm happy that where here, together, like this. For the rest of our lives."

They both touched lips. Just like their first real kiss, passion.

Riley broke away from the kiss, "I'm hungry. Do we have pickles?"

Lucas laughs and says, "Yeah, c'mon. There in the kitchen." Riley then runs out of the door leaving Lucas all by himself.

"God, I love you so much."

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