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Well um , idk what to say. I have insecurities issues because like who doesn't? But there used to be a time where I didn't like myself at all and I still feel like that some days.

I struggled with controlling my acne. I was very self conscious about that and my acne scars. I also had/have problems with my weight. My parents keep telling Ive lost a bunch of weight yet I don't see it? But my weight has been a struggle for me for years.

Around last year I used not eat anything. I didn't eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I would eat an apple at lunch and then when I get home I'd stay in my room all day not to eat. But nobody really noticed until my mom kept saying I was losing a bunch of weight but she still thought I was okay. I knew I had a problem when I made my self throw up all the food I had ate. (It was only one time, I've never did it again)

Look some days I still do this because it's a bad habit. BUT IM TELLING YOU THIS ISNT THE WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT OKAY. THIS ISNT HEALTHY. DONT DO IT. I do need help okay? I just never thought I would be a girl with such issues like this. But now I'm eating more and I'm very happy with myself now.

So don't worry.

This place really helped me a lot when I was struggling and don't be afraid to PM me if you're going through the same issues

Remember it's okay to feel like crap some days but it's not okay to feel like that all the time.

And I've also been busy recently because I was actually working on a application for a program at the highschool I'm going to next year. It's going to help me with college so I'll update you if I get in or not. And I've also had testing to do for school.

Some of the reasons that helped me through theses times were people who I text on a regular basis. And also BTS, they showed me to love myself. And brought me happiness on my saddest days.

Thank you for the one who've read to get to know me and my story. The ones who've read this book and continued to. This is the last chapter I'll ever write.

Good bye lovelies !

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