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The way he looks at her.

She only wishes he looks at her that way too.

But, of course he choses the blonde beauty.

And she's Mrs. Perfect and he's Mr. Perfect.

After Texas everything was. . . . different.

Riley remember what she said to Farkle that day.

Last day of Texas when Lucas chose Maya.

Riley was crying her eyes out. She went to the only person she could trust. She told him everything.

"Farkle," She said once she calmed down.
Farkle hummed for her to continue.

"It never stops hurting, does it?"

"What?" Farkle was confused.

"Giving someone the best of you and watching them choose someone else."

Farkle honestly didn't know what to say so he didn't say anything.

/End of Flashback/

Maya and Lucas instantly became a couple. Riley, Farkle , Zay , and Isadora became closer.
People started calling them the new 'core four'.

Maya and Lucas noticed that, but they were to 'obsessed' with each other.

Isadora or Smackle became Riley's new best friend. And Zay was Farkle's new bro-best friend.

High school came, and what Maya didn't want to happen, exactly happened, because of her and Lucas.

Yeah her and Lucas were the 'it' couple but that's all they were. They was no spark. But they also lost their best friends because they thought they were meant to be.

One day Maya and Lucas were walking the hallway and decided to talk to them. In a very long time. But when they saw them, they realized everything they lost.

They were laughing and having fun. Lucas saw Riley smiling, oh boy how he loves that beautiful smile. But when they locked eyes she stopped smiling.

Soon the new core four saw what she was staring at. It was them, the ones that promised they wouldn't leave, but they did.

They all had a stern expressions on their faces
The new core four promised to stay together no matter what happened and promised to never become like Lucas and Maya.

Maya broke the silence, "Riles" hearing the come out of Maya's mouth was weird, Riley hadn't heard it from her mouth so long.

"Don't call me that. To you guys-" she pointed between Maya and Lucas "-I'm Riley and to my best friends-" she pointed to Smackle, Zay, and Farkle. "- I'm Riles" she finished.

"Guys, please I know what we did was wrong-" Lucas was interrupted by a scoff from Farkle,
"Wrong? I don't think that's the right word. Maybe, horrendous?"

"Riles, Farkle, Zay let's go" Smackle said as she loops her arm with Riley's, like Maya used to do to her. And when Maya saw that, it broke her heart, to see her best friend with another best friend.

Before Zay leaves with the core four he says something that shocked Maya and Lucas.

"Don't ever come near us again. We were always hoping you guys were going to come back. But we gave up on that. And Riley is finally happy. She has someone that loves her. And she loves him. And you-" he pointed to Maya, "-she has a new best friend that actually cares about what she feels. You never did, you knew she loved Lucas but you still went with him. Riley and Farkle were broken, it took them a long time to trust us because they were afraid we were going to leave like you guys did, but we didn't. You guys are leavers and we are stayers. I don't want you anywhere near them."

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