On Hold?!

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So I've been thinking about this for a awhile. And sadly this and 'WASSUP' GMW GC is going on hold.

But this is only temporary. Not forever.

I just got no inspiration any more. But that doesn't mean I won't stop writing this book.

I just feel like nobody really reads this anymore I seen make reading views go down so much.
And it makes me feel that you guys don't like what I'm writing.

And I also been busy with writing a knew book that isn't a Rucas book.

And tbh 'WASSUP' gmw gc was something I made up, and I don't know where that's going either.

I just hope you guys understand and will support me through this writers block.

But meanwhile I'm going to be busy making Romance book. And I hope you guys read it when it comes out!

I love all and each one of yous! 🤧😭❤️😘

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