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Lol, one more one shot because why not? But I'm back with one more, so write in the comments how much you hate me for leaving.

Love yous!
Requested by RucasFairytale

Description: Riley has a secret admirer.

Riley was walking towards Topanga's with Maya by her side, complaining to her.

"Then Farkle continued to flirt with me in front of Lucas! And-." Riley was cut off.

"Look, Riles don't get so worked up about this! Lucas probably thought it was Farkle being Farkle. Don't worry." Maya reassures her.

"Your right. I'm just thinking about this to hard." Riley said when they were approaching Topanga's.

"When am I not?" Maya said when they walked in.

When they both walked in, and sat at their regular seats, Riley's mom, Topanga, who was the owner of the small cafe, came with a donut and a note.

"Riley, looks like some wanted you to have a donut and love note?" Topanga said, the last part coming out as a question.

"Oohhh, Riles has a secret admirer!" Maya teased.

"Me? Are you sure? The person who wrote that letter might have messy hand writing and might've meant Rachel? Or even a Richard." Riley nodded her head as if she was sure about what she's taking about.

"Riles, it's for you." Maya said, and grabbed the note, giving it to Riley to read it.

"Read it!"

"Okay, geez, your more excited than I am!" Riley exclaimed as she read the note.

" To, Riley Matthews,
Hi, Riley. I know it's weird having your mom give you a note from a total stranger. But I'm not. You know me pretty well, your the person who cares if I'm anger or sad. You know me so well. I just wanted you to now how much you mean to me. And I don't think writing it in a note will do it much justice.

So turn around."

By this time Topanga and Maya was nowhere to be seen. Riley did as told and boy was there a handsome surprise.

"Lucas?! What are you doing here? I mean, it's a cafe anybody could be here at anytime, and-."
Lucas cut her off.

"I wrote the note Riley, I meant everything I said. And like I said in the note, I think words do more justice, speaking face to face. And I really like you Riley. I really hope you would like to go on a date with me on Saturday." Lucas rushed out but somehow Riley was able to understand it all.

As moments passed, Lucas has beginning to doubt himself, "I'm sorry, I thought-."

"Yes! A thousand, no billions of yeses!" Riley was so happy, the boy she liked, liked her back.

And that was more then she could wish for.


Welp, sorry if it's not good.

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