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Read A/N at end.

-not proofread-
This one shot is called:


GIVING THANKS to your love ones is Riley's favorite thing to do.

That's why Thanksgiving is her favorite holiday, plus the food. This year her family and friends are coming to her house to spend it.

And she couldn't be more excited to spend Thanksgiving with her boyfriend, Lucas, of three years.

Knock, Knock.

The sound echoed through the whole empty house. Her parents and Auggie went prepare last minute things for Thanksgiving.

Riley walked up to the door from the couch, she looked through the little peek-hole and a bubble excitement formed in her belly.

This always happens when he comes over. And for the past three years she spent with him it has only intensified.

She opened the door to let him through,
"Hey, babe."

"Hey Lucas." She smiled.

"So, you called me to help you with something?" Lucas question.

"Yes! I need help with the cookies. Now come on!" Riley yelled as she walked into the kitchen.

Lucas quickly put his coat on the rack and walked over to were Riley was. She was getting the ingredients for the cookies out.

"Okay, so we have 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 3/4 cup of unsalted butter it has to be melted, 1 cup of packed brown sugar, 1/2 cup of white sugar, 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, 1 egg, and 2 cups of semisweet chocolate chips!" Riley got out in one breath.
(A/N its a real recipe so if you to try it you can)

"Good, now I got the mixing bowls so we can start." Lucas said when he grabbed the mixing bowls.

They made two batches of cookies and put them into the oven. When they put the coolies in the oven, they realized what a mess they made.

"You have to clean this up." Ordered Riley.

"Oh, really?" Lucas question with a smirk.

"Yes, now get started." She said with a teasing smile.

Lucas picked up an egg from the counter top and cracked it on top of her head.

"Lucas!" Riley shrieked, and picked up the whole bag of flour and poured it on his head.

"Riley!" Lucas yelled in a teasing way.

Riley ran as fast as she could around the couch, Lucas was on the other side of the couch when the door opened.

They both snapped their heads to the sound, Cory, Topanga, and Auggie walked through the door and looked at the pair.

"What happened here?" Topanga ordered.

"He started it."
"She started it." They said at the same time.

"Well since both of you started it, you both are going to clean it up. Now go." Cory said to the teenagers.

Riley and Lucas walked to the kitchen silently laughing to themselves.

"I hope I'm never like that." Auggie commented.

"I hope you are." Topanga said.

Happy thanksgiving to you and your families! Love you all. And I hope you have a safe and blessed thanksgiving❤️

Now the reason I haven't been updating like I wanted to was because I had the Constitution test.  Guess what! I passed with an 4, (my grading system is different than most, like 1 is the lowest you could get and 4 is the highest you can get.)

Hope you like this!

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