Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I punched the bag, letting my all my anger come up. 

Left, right, left, right. 

I got angrier and hit the bag harder. 

I loved kickboxing. It was the perfect way to vent my anger out.

He had been such a bastard to my mom, never cared about me, lied to her. It hadn't always been like that, but when he got a promotion and began traveling more, he had begun to lie more. It was so sick of him. He was a pathetic man in my eyes.

Six times to the right, hard left.

The hit had been a little too hard because the bag went flying back. I threw my hands out and caught it before it could hit me. They were pretty heavy, and getting slammed by one never felt good.

"Wesly," I heard someone say. 

I turned to see my manager looking at me.

"Yeah?" I asked in answer.

"Looked like you were beating the crap out of that thing," he noted.

I shrugged and dried my face off with the towel. I then wiped the sweat off of the rest of my body. I had been training for three hours. I couldn't wait to go to bed tonight.

"I wanted to talk to you about your next match," he finally got out.

"It's the championships, Mark. What about it?"

"We both know you're undefeated, and I know damn well as you that you can kick anyone's ass."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked while grabbing my phone. 

I had a few texts from people, including one from Danny.

"What I'm trying to say is that this guy is more experienced than you and you need to train like there's no tomorrow." Mark finally answered.

"Mark, relax dude. I will be training harder and longer. It doesn't hurt to practice more," I added, just to ease his mind.

Mark nodded and left. I sighed and grabbed my things. I checked my phone again as I left, reading the message from Daniel.

Daniel: Hey man. Sorry to bother you, but I need a favor.

I replied to him as I got in my car. I didn't hesitate to think about my answer. I had known Danny for a long time.

Me: What's up?

Daniel: Can you pick Megan up from her practice? I'm stuck in traffic and my mom's at work

I knew Megan meant a lot to Danny, so I didn't mind. There were other reasons, but I wasn't ready to admit them. Admitting them would mean accepting them and much more.

Me: Sure, no problem. Text her and tell her, though. Your sister's a bit crazy

Daniel: Bitch, please. She can take you on any time

Me: Lol. I don't doubt that

Danny: Good

I chuckled and went to pick Megan up from her training. 

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