9th : "Sex and Donut"

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9th Chapter : "Sex and donut delivery"

Riley POV :

Just like any other school day, Farkle came to pick me up at my house.
It always been this way (since he got his driving license).
It's some sort of tradition. I've never liked cars and driving, so Farkle was always the one behind the steering wheel.
Normally, I'd be excited to see him, I always am, even if its the first day of school, but today was different. And it had a lot to do with what happened two nights ago.
The car ride was awfully silent.
Farkle tried to start the conversation but unfortunately he chose the wrong subject to speak about. The topic I wanted to avoid. Forever if possible.


He had started.

I kept quiet and he took that as a sign to keep speaking:

"We need to talk about what happened at your place two-"

I stop him before he gets to the point.

"I don't want to"

I reply coldly, which made me sound like I was angry.
And to be honest I was angry, and I still am, but against myself. I was pissed at myself for being so easily influenced.

"I did a mistake. I was stupid"

He shut up, not knowing what to say to that. And I thought he wouldn't bring back the subject again, at least, not today, but as soon as he parked his car in the school's parking lot, he locked all the doors to prevent me from getting out.

"You know what fuck her!"

He yells.

I turn my head to meet his gaze.

"Fuck Samantha Jackson! She doesn't deserve you! You're amazing! You don't need her!"


He yells even louder.

Not even a second later, someone knocks on his window, and my best friend jumps as he lets out a horrified scream.
Just seeing the scared look on his face, and his hand on his heart, made my mood change.
I went from the "about to punch myself in the face" mode to the "about to pee my pants from laugher" mode.
Lucas, the one who knocked on the window, gives an innocent smile to Farkle.

"I promise I won't tell Samantha!"

He yells from the other side so we can hear him.

"Scream it even louder idiot! I think China didn't hear you!"

Yells back Farkle.

I burst into laughters which makes Farkle turn his attention on me.
He smiles, relieved to see me in a better mood.

"Thank you for existing Farkly"

The only reason why I use that nickname is because he hates it
Surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind me using it this time. He didn't even roll his eyes.
Instead, he decides to call me by my favorite nickname! (note the sarcasm please)

"I love you too Leroy but you're a lot of work. I hope you intend on paying me"

Leroy! Seriously? Why? Just why?!

I playfully roll my eyes and fight the urge to smile, before unlocking all the doors and getting out of his car. Lucas backs away so my best friend could do the same.
Farkle walks closer to him, probably trying to look menacing, and puts his index on Lucas's chest.

"I swear if you tell Samantha I'll..."

Lucas raises an eyebrow at him.

"You'll what?"

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