10th : "Lunchtime (1)"

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10th Chapter : "Best lunchtime ever (Part 1)"

Riley POV:

As soon as the bell rings, signaling us, students, that it was lunchtime, everyone starts putting back their stuff in their bags.

"See you tomorrow"

The teacher doesn't wait for us to leave the classroom. In fact, he is the first to exit the room.

I quickly finish writing down the last thing on the black board, before putting back my pencils and book in my bag.

I then finally leave the classroom, and as I expected, Lucas was leaning against the lockers, waiting for me.

He uncrosses his arms and walks to me.

"She didn't go to class didn't she..."

He asks even though he already had an answer to his question.

I shrug my shoulders and he guesses that my answer is "no".

"I knew she'd skip math!"

He whines and we both start walking towards the cafeteria.

"I have to admit it's pretty boring"

Lucas glares at me.

"But it's still important"

I add quickly, before he rips my head off.

Yes. Maya didn't come to Math. What a rebel. And yes, the blonde beauty and I, were in the same class.

Believe it or not, I've never skipped class before.

"Just talk to her and make her change her mind"

I say to break the silence.

Surprisingly, Lucas bursts into laughers. I have to wait for him to calm down for a few seconds, before getting a reply.

"Yeah right...change Maya's mind"

He says as he wipes a tear from his eye.

Sometimes I think I'm the funniest person ever, but then I remember that I'm not funny...

Which means that, Lucas, was laughing because he doesn't think that anyone can change her mind. In other words, it's his way of telling me that Maya is stubborn.

We keep walking in silence.

Lucas kept smiling like an idiot, clearly not over my idea of talking to Maya.

Whereas I, was dying on the inside. Dying to ask him this one question, I wanted to ask him or her, since the very first day I saw her.

I couldn't hold it back no longer, and I just decided to spill the beans :

"How long did you and Maya start dating? How did you meet?"

Okay I lied. It wasn't one question, but plenty, and they were all related to Maya.

Lucas stops in his tracks and I do the same.


He says in disgusted tone.

"I'm not dating Maya"

Pretty boy looks at me, confused to why I'd ask him such a question.

"Well everyone thinks you are"

Without warning, I keep walking and he follows.

"Wait what?"

I push the doors to the cafeteria and we both step inside.


I think to myself when I see how full it was. I sight in frustration but stop when I spot two familiar heads.

Blonde and jet black hair.

Maya and Jake have already took a table for us...I mean I think...and I hope.

It seems that Lucas also spotted them, for he gets by my side and tells me he'll go grab lunch for both of us.

He turns right to go get us our food, whereas I walk straight to our table and sit at it, just in front of the blonde girl.

Both teenagers greet me.

Maya and Jake had already finished eating. I guess that for Maya it was somewhat normal since she skipped an entire hour of math but Jake...

I turn to look at the jet-black haired boy sitting beside the blondie.

"You skipped with her didn't you..."

The boy tries his best to smile as he shrugs his shoulder I shake my head in disapproval. Jake smirks whereas Maya does nothing and only then do I notice the pissed expression on her face.

She kept taping her foot quickly, as if she as ready to get up and smash somebody's head on the table.

"She wants to go talk to them"

Jake answers the question I was about to ask him.

The boy tilts his head to the right, which means my left. I didn't even need to look to get about who he was talking about.

"They're too loud just let me go talk to them!"

Explodes the girl sitting in front of me.

She was about to get up, when a hand rests on her shoulder and makes her sit back down.

"No you're not"

Says Lucas as he sits next to her.

He pushes a sandwich in my direction, and I thank him.

"Now will you calm down, I bought you a chocolate ca-"

Not letting him the chance to finish his sentence, Maya snatches the chocolate cake from his hand.

I simply stare at how Lucas was smiling, looking at the blonde girl, who managed to look adorable while eating. How does she do that?!

"If she's not your girlfriend then who is she?"

The words left my mouth before I even realized.

Lucas, Maya and Jake's eyes land on me.

The blonde haired girl gulps.

"I moved with my parents in the same neighborhood as cowboy this past summer"

She starts.

"Turns out that, Friar's family lived next door, and that his mom is an old friend of my mom"

Lucas continues the explaining:

"Her parents went on a business trip a few days ago, and well, they'll be gone for a few months. So my mother proposed to take care of Maya while they're gone"

My gaze shifts from Lucas to Maya.

She was smiling at me. I was taken aback at first, for I've never seen this smile on her face before. It looked so sad. She looked so sad.

A loud laughter was heard coming from the table to my left. The boys sitting over there slapped their hands, several times, on the top of the table.

I gently massage my forehead, knowing that I was probably going to leave the caferia with a headache.

Best lunchtime ever...

(Please, once again, note the sarcasm)

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