13th : "History"

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13th Chapter : "History"

Riley POV :

"That. Was. EPIC!"


Says everyone at the same time, including myself.

Farkle grimaces and excuses himself.

"I just can't believe he listened to you"

He says, still excited and not over the whole Maya/Austin thing. To be fair, none of us were.

We were all showering her with compliments, and poor Hart was starting to get uncomfortable, blushing, every time one of us said something about it.

"You were amazing!"

I exclaim, and once again, she blushes hard, turning red.

Maya smirks at me.

"You weren't bad yourself"

She replies and I smirk back at her.

"I still don't get why you guys were making such a big deal about this. Who are they anyway?"

Farkle scoots closer to me, so he could get Maya to look at him. Even though the question was clearly directed to me, he decided to answer it.

"A bunch of criminals. That's who they are. Austin Walker is their leader, as you may know by now, well, he's the creepy guy you stood against and won..."

Farkle says that very last part very quickly, which lead to Maya playfully rolling her eyes, and the rest of us to smile.

"Anyway. They go out at night in their bikes, rob shops and people, and destroy properties for fun. Rumors say that they also deal with the drugs, and maybe even murder. In other words, they're dangerous."

He finishes.

Everyone at the table nods their heads, whereas Maya literally froze.


She explodes as she gets up, attracting everyone's attention.

Lucas panics and throws his hand on her mouth, then pulls her back down.


We all say in union.

Next thing we know, Lucas screams in pain.

"Did you just bite me?"

He says holding his hand, but looking at a proud looking Maya.


I say as I narrow my eyes.

Her gaze shifts from Lucas to me. She then did the most mature thing ever : stick her tongue out at me, cross her arms, and then look away.

"Oh I forgot something that you might like!"

Adds Farkle.

Maya raises her eyebrow at my best friend.

"We call them 'the hell's louses"

She looks at him in complete awe, with eyes wide open (A/N : Yes I did this on purpose. Some may get it, others won't)

Maya unfolds her arms and rests them on the table.

"That's such a cool name"


Lunchtime is over, we all separated, and went different ways, to our different classes. Well, all of us expect Maya and I.

In the hallway, students kept high-fiving and congratulating her about her accomplishment and she gladly high-fived them all. A few people even taped my shoulder.

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