Chapter One

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For the first couple of years of my life, I knew I was different compared to other girls

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For the first couple of years of my life, I knew I was different compared to other girls. While they were interested of what they looked like, I was interested of what percentage I got on my tests. While they were begging for attention, I was dreading someone even glimpsing at me. After a while, My mother told me I was completely normal and this thought in my brain would go away and everything would be fine.

I was fortunate enough to have a mother who would try to understand that I could never be the glittery princess everyone wanted me to be, my mother was my best friend. She would be my shoulder to cry on, especially when my father would contact me.

When my parents divorced, I didn't get upset or cry, I knew the day would come because of the way my own father treated me, and the day he said 'you four-eyed freak, you were never supposed to live. You were just another mistake' , that's when my mother finally put her foot down and kicked him out, throwing all of his belongings with him as well. But no matter how much he contacted my mother saying he would change, she would always say no and that I was more important than some drunk dead beat.

But one thing my father did tell me and would always stay in my head is 'nobody will love a freak like you, unless you change your ways, you will always be alone', but I didn't listen to him and stayed the way I've always been, and he was right..I was alone.

Soon after my parents were finally divorced and out of each others lives for good, my mother was on the market and it didn't take long before Kevin, Unfortunately my ex English teacher, met my mother and from there, they instantly fell in love.

After around three months, Kevin moved in, as well as his blonde bimbo daughter did, making no room for all of us. But me being me, I volunteered to move out because his daughter hated me a lot. With Kevin being sweet as he is, he got me a job being a professional writer, him being my ex English teacher, he knew I liked writing and in his words, 'damn good at it too'.

So after getting a small cozy house, and a good earning job, I was good to go and live my life. But after finally graduating high-school, and getting away from those 'wanna be popular' girls, I was finally free to be myself and write till my hearts content.

But I knew no matter what I did, I could never get the aching for someone to be with me, or even just a friend. I knew it would never happen, but it never hurt to wish.

'She grabbed my shaking hand, looking straight into my eyes, ' I will help you '. That was the last thing I ever heard from her again.'

I sighed and closed my laptop, feeling a headache beginning. I quickly got up from my seat and grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, trying to limit the pain of the headache. I heard my phone beep loudly making me groan in annoyance.

'how's the new house going sweetheart?', my mother texted me, knowing it's been a week since I moved into this place. She texted me everyday she wasn't here just to see if I was okay. She knew I didn't do well with being all alone, even though I've been alone mostly all of my life.

' It's perfectly fine, just the way I like it :) ', I texted her back a bunch of lies, but I know i'll get used to it soon than later, I've only just moved in so this is normal..I guess.

' I'll be over in 10 honey xx', She texted back, I sighed once again, rubbing my forehead. I love my mother to pieces but today just wasn't a day I wanted to do anything. But I know she won't take no for an answer.

So I just made myself a cup of tea and got a book out of my shelf, waiting for her to get here.

"Honey, i'm here", I heard my mother's voice echo through my house, followed by her shoes scuffing the polished wooden floors I closed my eyes and didn't even bother to move. Today just isn't my day is it. "Beautiful wooden floors I must say Daisy, don't you think so Natasha", My eyes, shot open, and I jumped up from the couch. Why would she bring Kevin's daughter into my home?.

"I thought why not we all go for a girls day today!", My mother said cheerfully, not realizing my annoyed face. "Why don't you guys do that, I just want to take a break okay", I told her, seeing her face sadden as I say each word.

"I know you have been working hard Daisy", My mother said to me, but all I could notice was Natasha rolling her eyes exaggeratedly at me...nice.

"But we were thinking maybe we could go for a bike ride?", She said, trying to push me into it. I raised my eyebrows at her. "I don't even know how to ride a bike", I heard Natasha snicker making me give her a disapproving look.

"Then now is the time to start sweet!", She smiled wildly, quickly grabbing my hand and pushing me out the door, revealing three bikes on my front lawn.

I huffed and grabbed the closest bike, which looked like and old vintage pastel blue bike. I looked back at my mother annoyed. "Thank you for doing this", She whispered to me, while Natasha got on her bike.

"Yeah yeah", I said before getting on the bike, at first nearly falling off on it, but something was stuck in my brain.

It felt like someone was watching my every move.


It's me.

I am so glad I finally put this story up!, all it's been doing is collecting dust in an old journal. So I thought I could put it out there. And be prepared that there will be swear words here and there, just a heads up for the people who don't like it.

I hope you love it just like I do!

Thank you for reading :)

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