Chapter Sixteen

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I looked at the broken girl in front of me, it was like I was seeing her life before my eyes. Daisy Evans isn't as strong as people think, and I need to change that. Having her life almost getting taken away was a shock, but if it happens again?, another war will start, and I will find whoever does it an rip their throa-.

"J?", Ivy's voice knocked me out of my thoughts, I jumped back a little, seeing as she was right in front of me, waving her hand in front of my face. "Where did Daisy go?", I say, trying to hide the panic in my voice. She was right in front of me a second ago.

"Well thanks to your wonderful scowl you had on your face, you were staring at her deathly, so I made her go inside", She huffs out, slightly hitting the back on my head. I looked at her surprised. She's lucky she's actually my blood or I swear if she ever tried that again I Wou-.

"There you go again dude!, Come back to earth!", She slightly yells in my face. It happened again?, I guess because I haven't even gotten any sleep in days.

"I don't mean to", I say quietly, not knowing really how to answer something that I barely know is happening. She sighed and pulled me to the couch where Daisy is sitting. "Don't worry, I'll fix that lil bro", She pats my head like i'mm a dog. And they say I'm the crazy one, what the hell is up with her?.

"I'm older you idiot", I mumble to myself, sitting down beside Daisy. I didn't know she heard it until she started laughing to herself, making me feel like laughing with her.


Watching Joker and Ivy together was more funny than I thought. I don't know what about watching them together made my heart warm, but it was obvious that Joker wouldn't dare hurt Ivy, even when she treats him like a dog. I couldn't help but laugh.

Joker quietly sat down beside me making my breathing increase, I still haven't forgotten what Ivy told me, but I know she could be just saying that.

"How are you feeling?", he asks, playing with one of the numerous rings on his fingers. It was like I'm on the right side and Jokers of the left side...and right in the middle is awkwardness, that may never go away. Thanks to me.

"Better than I was", I answered, not realizing how bad it sounded until he tensed up. I couldn't hear Ivy moving around in the kitchen anymore too.

"What do you mean by that Daisy?", He questioned darkly, making me nervous less than a second. Minutes ago everything was fine, and suddenly everything is bad. Will it always be like this?.

"N-o, no I didn't mean anything by it", I stand up quickly slowly walking away from Joker, I could feel the anger raiding off of him. I hit some type of nerve, and I didn't even know how I did it.

I looked towards the kitchen, seeing Ivy looking horrified, she knew something bad was about to happen.

"Haven't I told you already, lying to me is useless", He got up, I looked straight at him, standing straight like I was standing up for myself. I could see out of the corner of my eye, Ivy slowly coming closer to me.

"J, You need to calm down", Ivy soothingly says to her psychotic brother, who is about to regret everything if he tries to lay a hand on me again.

"Why Ivyana?, so she gets hurt again?, or maybe, she not telling us more about what really happened there!", He spit out at her, using her full name, I could see her hands shaking from where I am, and I barely was close to her.

Then he looked at me. It feels like the whole world stopped.

The way he was looking at me, like I betrayed him, like I was his worse enemy, someone he despised with his whole life. And I could feel mt heart shattering at the glance.

"And you. You really think going crying back to Lena will do anything?!, NO, it won't. Because all she is, and will be, is a cold blooded killer who shatters hearts!", He yelled out.

No one dared to speak, I looked down at the floor feeling numb. What hurt the most is, he would dare to think i'm that weak to go back to someone I never want to see again.

"I wasn't even thinking of going back there. And you don't have to worry about her shattering my own heart. Because someone else did that", I looked straight at him, hoping he would realize. I walked out of the room, to go to my bedroom.

Closing the door and locking it shut, even putting my dresser in front of the door.

I numbly fell on my bed, knowing now, the joke was all on me.

As to think I actually cared for Joker, someone who will always look down on me.


I feel like I haven't updated in forever, so I made this one extra long. And who else is pumped for Suicide Squad?. I'm not even aloud to talk about it in my house ( or near my parents), because once I start talking about it, I can't stop.

Now, I have been having some serious problems because I've been wanting to make a new cover, and I have had NO luck. Up all nights trying to do a bloody cover. Dedication 100%

So If anyone knows someone who can help me make a cover, ( Don't worry!, they will be fully credited for it), can you please contact me?. Thank you so much!.

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