Chapter 1

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The crowd were screaming so loudly, like seriously oh my gosh. I was running as fast as I possibly could. I'm pretty sure if I ran any faster, I would just burn a hole right into the ground to be honest. I swung my arms back and forward hard to gather up as much momentum as I could. I was going to win this for sure. Nothing could stop me. I leaned forward and closed my eyes as I listened to the sound of my heartbeat hammering in my ears. Just 50 metres to go... 40... 30... 20... 10... I crashed into the safety mats and just lay there on my back, taking it all in, listening to the screams of the crowd as I gasped in air and downed a bottle of water. I did it. First qualifiers, first place. Piece of cake. 

I'm Charlotte Hershall, and this is my story. Well, mine and her's

Let me start from the beginning, it's kinda complicated. I'm a senior in high school and the school's number one track champion. Not boasting or anything, it's just become this sort of fact. So yeah, this race is kind of a big deal. It's the qualifiers for this huge state competition that my school takes part in every three years. I've never been old enough to compete before so I'm super hyped for this now! If I won this race then I would qualify for the semis and then, fingers crossed, onto the finals. Running is genuinely my life, always has been. My dad was an Olympic 200m champ. He won gold two Olympics running, so yeah you could say I felt a little bit of pressure to follow in his footsteps. I go running with him almost every day and, don't get me wrong, I really do love it, I just wish he didn't push me quite so hard. I know all this training is necessary though to even get close to his Olympic level. 

I have three other sisters; Maddy, age 11; Taylor, she's 15; and then there's Hallie, who likes to think she's boss because she's 19 but really she's a douche. I get on pretty well with all of them, especially Mads, she's a mini me minus the running. I think that's why my dad pushes me so much. My sisters aren't really interested in sports and never have been and I don't have any brothers, so I'm kind of his last hope and he just channels his passion into me. It's something that connects us; definitely the main reason we're so close. 

I know I haven't mentioned my mom, she's still around. She is a truly inspirational woman with a 'mild affliction' she likes to say. "Just a spot of leukaemia" she says. I'm not worried about her. She is the strongest person I have ever met, there's no way she would let cancer win, she's a kick ass woman who doesn't put up with any bullshit, believe me. 

Oh, I forgot, we live in Nashville by the way. It's pretty cool here, I do really like living in Tennessee, there's always something to do or somewhere to go, but I would like to explore the world, I feel like I'm just this little speck on the planet and I know there's so much more to see.

Anyway, so yeah, that's basically all you need to know for now I think. Just a bit of background info for ya. Let's jump into present day.


I just finished my race and my family piled into the van to head home. We're a supportive family, always going to watch each other's performances, races, recitals etc. 

"Smashed it again, kiddo! When are you going to actually have to try?" My dad beamed from the driver's seat as he pulled out of the parking lot.

I rolled my eyes, "thanks dad," I said, "I actually did put some effort into that one though ya know, wasn't as easy as I expected it to be." I was sat at the very back of the van next to Taylor who just tuned us all out with her headphones. Man, puberty has made her so unsociable.

Hallie snorted, "mate, one day someone will actually beat you and you will literally not have a clue what to do with yourself."

I opened my mouth to argue but dad beat me to it, "HA! I'd like to see someone try! Charlie can run rings around these kids."

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